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A critical appraisal of United States investment guaranty programs»»»
Goekjian, Samuel V.
Accounting improvements for international development financing»»»
Enthoven, Adolf J. H.
Agricultura mondiala si securitatea alimentara in diferite zone ale lumii : criza agroalimentara si caile depasirii ei»»»
Gorun-Scvortov, Maria
Asistenta financiara acordata de Uniunea Europeana tarilor in tranzitie»»»
Beuran, Monica
Asistenta financiara externa si capcana subdezvoltarii»»»
Staicu, Gabriel
Bilateralism : a current road of development»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Chanelling of the OPEC countries surpluses in development financing»»»
Kaddori, Fakhri Y.
Closing addresses»»»
Sefer, Berislav
Balogh, Thomas
Triffin, Robert
Mrkusic, Zarko
Conditionality, dependence and coordination : three current debates in aid policy»»»
Collier, Paul
Cooperation among developing countries with respect to development financing»»»
Shihata, Ibrahim F. I.
Cooperation between developed and developing countries in the establishment of a new international economic order»»»
Jovanovski, Tihomir
Cooperation between the banks from the developed and the banks from the developing countries»»»
Smole, Janko
Cooperation of central banks of developing countries in promoting economic development financing»»»
Haddad, Adeeb
Current flows of petrodollars»»»
Dvornik, Ivo
Deschiderea Uniunii Europene la scara regionala si globala»»»
Moldoveanu, Marcel
Development assistance and cooperation among developing countries»»»
Al-Sagban, Abdul Aal
Economic integration within COMECON and with the Western economies»»»
Richter, Sandor
Economie internationala2001»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Pistol, Luminita
Gurgu, Elena
Economie internationala [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 2»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Pistol, Luminita
Gurgu, Elena
Economie internationala [Vol.] 2 Relatii economice internationale2001»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Pistol, Luminita
Gurgu, Elena
European public sources of funds for investment in developing nations»»»
Leroy, Norbert G.
Finante publice internationale : asistenta pentru dezvoltare acordata Romaniei2006»»»
Roman, Daniela Lidia
Increasing aid effectiveness in Africa ? : the World Bank and sector investment programmes»»»
Jones, Stephen
International financing of energy and other resources»»»
Paradjanin, Ljubisa
International financing of food in the eighties»»»
Williams, Maurice
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Investitiile straine directe din Uniunea Europeana in tarile Parteneriatului Estic : studiu comparativ2020»»»
Sorcaru, Sergiu-Lucian
Pralea, Spiridon
Japan and the world development»»»
Okita, Saburo
Joint ventures among developing countries»»»
Nwankwo, Green Onyekaba
Positioning the World Bank»»»
Gilbert, Christopher L.
Powell, Andrew
Vines, David A.
Programele de finantare»»»
Ancuta, Tatiana
Proposals for an International Clearing Union»»»
Keynes, John Maynard
Public assistance for development by the OECD»»»
Kodock, Augustin F.
Raportul dintre efortul propriu si colaborarea economica internationala in lichidarea subdezvoltarii economice : programe internationale de colaborare si asistenta»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Recycling of surplus oil funds and needed assistance to developing countries»»»
Ojo, Joshua Ade T.
Role and place of developing countries' central banks under present-day conditions»»»
Trifunovic, Predrag
Some aspects of agricultural development and international capital flows»»»
Wapenhans, Willi Adolf
Some legal considerations of financing in Latin America»»»
Parreno, Albert J.
Tax, climate change, and sustainable development : global problems, global solutions?»»»
Gaspar, Vitor
Amaglobeli, David
The "massive transfer" of resources to developing countries»»»
Jayawardena, Lal
The Agency for International Development»»»
Grant, Leslie A.
The IPE of development finance in Latin America»»»
Stanley, Leonardo
The United States and the developing nations»»»
Garner, Robert L.
The World Bank, conditionality and the Comprehensive Development Framework»»»
Hopkins, Raul
Powell, Andrew
Roy, Amlan
Gilbert, Christopher L.
The case for one hundred percent ownership in foreign investments»»»
Sundelson, J. W.
The implications of foreign aid fungibility for development assistance»»»
Devarajan, Shantayanan
Swaroop, Vinya
The structure of assistance»»»
Khan, Aftab A.
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