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A BIS embarrassed : defeat for the BIS by minor shareholders was embarrassing and it has consequences for central banks with private shareholders, reports William Hall»»»
Hall, William
A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind2015»»»
Mitford Goodson, Stephen
A theory of everything : a historically grounded understanding of soft law and the BIS»»»
Brummer, Chris
Banca Reglementelor Internationale si rolul ei in economia mondiala1934»»»
Solacolu, Mircea A.
Banca platilor internationale1931»»»
Popescu, Stelian I.
Banci europene si internationale2006»»»
Negru, Titel
Banking elements : workbook2003»»»
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Banque des Reglements Internationaux : statuts»»»
Behind the scenes in Basel : Neil Courtis ventures into the BIS in Basel and finds an institution in the process of redefining its role»»»
Courtis, Neil
Central bank cooperation at the Bank for International Settlements, 1930-19732005»»»
Toniolo, Gianni
Clement, Piet
Commentary : The supply of and demand for financial regulation : public and private competition around the globe»»»
Kroszner, Randall S.
Cooperarea bancilor de emisiune si banca reglementelor internationale1937»»»
Grigorcea, Vasile
Exchange rates, capital flows and the financial cycle : on the origins of the BIS view»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Carstens, Agustin G.
General discussion : How should financial market regulators respond to the new challenges of global economic integration?»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
Institutii financiare internationale2011»»»
Anitei, Nadia Cerasela
International trade and finance2005»»»
Badea, Dumitru G.
Novac, Laura Elly
Interview : Malcolm Knight : Malcolm Knight, the new head of the Bank for International Settlements, calls for much deeper understanding of the way globalised financial markets actually function : as a global institution, the BIS is well placed to supply such analysis and to draw the right policy lessons from it»»»
Mander, Benedict
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Claessens, Stijn
Clement, Piet
McCauley, Robert Neil
Shin, Hyun Song
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
L'etalon de change-or : (Gold exchange standard)1936»»»
Abozzia, Zia-eddine
La banque des reglements internationaux1931»»»
Karamikas, Constantin
La banque internationale1930»»»
Mendes-France, Pierre
Le credit et l'organisation bancaire1938»»»
Petit, Lucien Charles
Veyrac, Raymond
Le point de vue de l'Amerique sur la Banque Internationale et sur la distribution de l'or mondial»»»
Willis, Parker
Les institutions financieres internationales1987»»»
Bonnet, Henri
Berthet, Dominique
Management bancar1999»»»
Gust, Marius
Diaconescu, Mariana
Vechiu, Camelia
Mitrache, Romul
Spanu, Floarea
Managementul activelor bancare : provocarile viitorului2021»»»
Mihai, Eleodor-Alin
Opritescu, Marin
Mesurer la monnaie : banques centrales et construction de l'autorite monetaire : (XIXe-XXe siecle)2005»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Modern central bank reserves management : introduction and overview»»»
Nugee, John
Monnaie et finances : le role de la banque des reglements internationaux apres l'etalon or1932»»»
Asch, Sylvain
One hundred and thirty years of central bank coopeeration : a BIS perspective2008»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Toniolo, Gianni
Pierre Quesnay : directorul general al Bancii de Reglemente internationale»»»
Slavescu, Victor
Platile si creditul comercial international»»»
Detesan, Alexandru
Imireanu, Mihai-Gheorghe A.
Promoting global monetary and financial stability : the Bank for International Settlements after Bretton Woods, 1973-20202020»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Claessens, Stijn
Clement, Piet
McCauley, Robert Neil
Shin, Hyun Song
Carstens, Agustin G.
Relatii financiare si valutare internationale2003»»»
Boaja, Minica
Relatii valutare si marketing financiar2007»»»
Negrus, Mariana
Baicu, Claudia
Sisteme monetare contemporane2010»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
The BIS and the European monetary experiment»»»
James, Harold
The Bank of International Settlements1930»»»
Einzig, Paul
The Bank of International Settlements : if it didn't exist, it would have to be invented : (an insider's view)»»»
Dudley, William C.
The International Bank1930»»»
Gideonse, Harry D.
The governance of the Bank for International Settlements, 1973-2020»»»
Schenk, Catherine R.
The international banking system : capital adequacy, core businesses and risk management2013»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
The origins of central bank cooperation : the establishment of the Bank for International Settlements2002»»»
Baffi, Paolo
Tower of contrarian thinking : how the BIS helped reframe understandings of financial stability»»»
Baker, Andrew
Turnul din Basel : istoria obscura a bancii secrete care conduce lumea2014»»»
LeBor, Adam
Procopet, Simona-Elena
Andronache, Sanda
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