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A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind2015»»»
Mitford Goodson, Stephen
A spring-cleaning for the Eurosystem : as the Eurosystem prepares for the arrival of new members, it has first to attend to some housekeeping»»»
BaBG : Bank und Borsengesetze»»»
Hering, Karl-Heinz
Central bank independence and the legacy of the German past2019»»»
Mee, Simon
Central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy : from Germany and Greece to China and the United States2018»»»
Chaudhuri, Ranajoy Ray
Central banking governance in the European Union : a comparative analysis2010»»»
Quaglia, Lucia
Central banking systems compared : the ECB, the pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System2007»»»
Apel, Emmanuel
Cum s-a creat o conjunctura de stat in Germania : programele pentru redresarea economiei germane si finantarea lor»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Das Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank2005»»»
Winter, Heike
Walburg, Reinhold
Flik, Reiner
Weber, Axel Alfred
Deux types de banque d'empire : Allemagne, Russie : these pour le doctorat presentee et soutenue le jeudi 8 juin 1905, a 8 heures1905»»»
Saulgeot, H.
Die Reichsbank von 1876-1933 auf Grund ihrer Bilanzen und Erfolgsrechnungen1936»»»
Lienhart, Josef
Die Statistik im Dienste der Bankorganisation1920»»»
Hertlein, Adolf
Droit romain de l'impot sur l'importation et l'exportation des marchandises a Rome sous la Republique et sous l'Empire; Economie politique: historique et fonctionnement des banques d'emission en Allemagne1894»»»
Cantacuzino, Mihail G.
Eight European central banks : a descriptive study. Volume 382012»»»
Experience with the econometric model of the Deutsche Bundesbank»»»
Jahnke, Wilfried
Fifty years of the Deutsche Mark : central bank and the currency in Germany since 19481999»»»
Baltensperger, Ernst
Bernholz, Peter
Buchheim, Christoph
Franke, Gunter
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig
James, Harold
Kitterer, Wolfgang
Neumann, Manfred J. M.
Plassmann, Jochen
Richter, Rudolf
Stern, Klaus
Streit, Manfred E.
Thieme, H. Jorg
Tietmeyer, Hans
Issing, Otmar
Germany's gold2018»»»
Thiele, Carl-Ludwig
Weidmann, Jens
Lords of Finance2010»»»
Ahamed, Liaquat
Monetary policy over fifty years : experiences and lessons2013»»»
Hermann, Heinz
Monetary policy over fifty years : experiences and lessons2009»»»
New analysis : the Iraqi currency conversion»»»
Carver, Nick
Overhaul of the Bundesbank : in reforming of the Germany's financial system Eichel has set the standard for Europe and stymied ECB expansion plans, reports Klaus Engelen of Handelsblatt»»»
Engelen, Klaus
Post-war central banking reform: a German-Japanese comparison»»»
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig
Iwami, Toru
Pre-commitment and guidance lessons from the Bundesbank's history»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Sveriges Riksbank and the history of central banking2018»»»
Edvinsson, Rodney
Jacobson, Tor
Waldenstrom, Daniel
The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi economic war against the Jews : the expropriation of Jewish-owned property2006»»»
James, Harold
The Group of Seven : finance ministries, central banks and global financial governance2006»»»
Baker, Andrew
The Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank2017»»»
Obst, Sylvia
Weidmann, Jens
The international money market1935»»»
Madden, John T.
The macroeconomic multi-country model of the Deutsche Bundesbank»»»
Hamburg, Britta
Todter, Karl-Heinz
The model of the Deutsche Bundesbank1995»»»
Wahlig, Bertold
The monetary policy of the Bundesbank1995»»»
Theorie und Politik des Geldes1973-1974»»»
Jarchow, Hans-Joachim
Theorie und Politik des Geldes [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 2»»»
Jarchow, Hans-Joachim
Theorie und Politik des Geldes [Vol.] 1 Geldtheorie1973»»»
Jarchow, Hans-Joachim
Theorie und Politik des Geldes [Vol.] 2 Geldmarkt, Bundesbank und geldpolitisches1974»»»
Jarchow, Hans-Joachim
Weber stands his ground : Tussles with government have tested his mettle, but Axel Weber has impressed his first year at the Bundesbank, writes Marietta Kurm-Engels»»»
Weber, Axel Alfred
What have economists learned about monetary policy over the past fifty years?2009»»»
Svensson, Lars Erik Oscar
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