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A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind2015»»»
Mitford Goodson, Stephen
A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States2006»»»
Wood, John H.
Accountability - a politician's view : David Ruffley discusses how the Bank of England's accountability has developed in recent years»»»
Ruffley, David
Aspecte din politica bancara engleza in 1929 : Banca Angliei si marile banci»»»
Vasiliu, Vasile Gh.
Bank von England, Reichsbank und Wallstreet : das Notenbankwesen in Gemeinverstandlicher Darstellungs.a.»»»
Kramer, Carl
Banking crises and the rules of the game2011»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Banques et grande industrie : France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne : 1880-19302015»»»
Marguerat, Philippe
British international gold movements and banking policy : 1881-19131935»»»
Beach, W. Edwards
Business of banking2002»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Business of banking Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Business of banking Volume 1 The banking system : components, characteristics and operations2002»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Business of banking Volume 2 Banking in the international environment2002»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Central bank goals, institutional change and monetary policy : evidence from the United States and the United Kingdom2003»»»
Muscatelli, V. Anton
Trecroci, Carmine
Central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy : from Germany and Greece to China and the United States2018»»»
Chaudhuri, Ranajoy Ray
Central bank regulation and the financial crisis : a comparative analysis2016»»»
Han, Miao
Central bankers at the end of their rope? : monetary policy and the coming depression2017»»»
Rasmus, Jack
Central banking in a free society2009»»»
Congdon, Tim
Computer support for reserve managers : deciding on the right level of computer support for reserve managers in a world of fast-changing technology often make it preferable to outsource some IT provision, says John Nugee, former head of reserve management at the Bank of England, and now at State Street Bank»»»
Nugee, John
Currency competition and monetary union1984»»»
Salin, Pascal
Date si fapte»»»
Enescu, Iuliu
Datoriile de rasboi ; Banque de Paris et de Pays-Bas ; Pentru unirea economica a Aliatilor ; Chestiunea Cafelii ; Pentru viitoarea politica economica a Angliei ; Ajutorul actual al Statelor-Unite catre Aliati ; Impozitul pe castiguri de rasboi in Belgia»»»
Miron, Cezar
Der Kampf um die Gestaltung der englischen Wahrungsverfassung von der ersten bis zur zweiten Peel's Act, 1819-1844. (Currency principle und banking school) : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des englischen Geld- und Bankwesen1933»»»
Der Notenausweis in Theorie und Wirklichkeit1930»»»
Kappeli, Robert B.
Die Kooperation der Notenbanken1931»»»
Schleidt, Alexander
English practical banking1902»»»
Moxon, Thomas Bouchier
Expansiunea bancara de dupa rasboiu»»»
Rottmann, D.
Financial elites, law, and regulation : a historical perspective»»»
Arvind, T. T.
Gray, Joanna
Wilson, Sarah
Financial markets and institutions2003»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Eakins, Stanley G.
From war financier to bankers' bank»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Housing, credit and consumer expenditure»»»
Muellbauer, John N. J.
Ludvigson, Sydney
How countries manage large central bank balance sheets»»»
Stella, Peter
Il saggio dello sconto1930»»»
Esposito de Falco, Salvatore
Imperial central banks? : the Bank of England, the London & Westminster Bank, and the British Empire before 1914»»»
Attard, Bernard
In cadere libera : America, piata libera si prabusirea economiei mondiale2010»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Nistor, Smaranda
Nicolae, Crenguta
Insiders and outsiders at the Bank of England : the voting behaviour of members of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee is popularly portrayed as just a "hawks versus doves" dichotomy : the reality is complex reveals Petra Gerlach-Kristen»»»
Gerlach-Kristen, Petra
International economic indicators and central banks2007»»»
Dolganos Picker, Anne
Intreprinderile comerciale si industriale private in cadrul finantarii germane»»»
Bungetianu, Constantin
Kleine Reichsbanknoten : das deutsche Banknotengesetz von 1906 im Lichte der Geschichte und Theorie des Banknoten- und Papiergeldwesens1908»»»
Ruppel, Willy
Lehrbuch der Volkswirtschaft unf Socialwissenschaft1870»»»
Carey, H. C.
Mervyn King's "nice" debut»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Mesurer la monnaie : banques centrales et construction de l'autorite monetaire : (XIXe-XXe siecle)2005»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Monetary analysis at central banks2016»»»
Cobham, David
Monetary base and bank liquidity as policy instruments in Italy, Germany, France and the United Kingdom»»»
Vergili, Giorgio
Townsend, Malcolm
Monetary economics : policy and its theoretical basis2009»»»
Bain, Keith
Howells, Peter
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