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Banking in China»»»
Klapper, Leora F.
Martinez Peria, Maria Soledad
Zia, Bilal
Central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy : from Germany and Greece to China and the United States2018»»»
Chaudhuri, Ranajoy Ray
Central bank regulation and the financial crisis : a comparative analysis2016»»»
Han, Miao
Central bankers at the end of their rope? : monetary policy and the coming depression2017»»»
Rasmus, Jack
China will hold down the Rmb»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
China's new digital currency : implications for Renminbi internationalization and the US dollar»»»
Knoerich, Jan
China's reform of its banking system : Li Ruogu highlights four key areas where China has looked to strengthen its burgeoning banking sector»»»
Ruogu, Li
Demand and supply of shadow banking in China»»»
Zhang, Xuechun
Hess, Patrick
Die chinesische Bankwesen : unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der neuen chinesischen Banken1938»»»
Tsun, Chen Chia
East Asia's policy dilemmas : regional cooperation on exchange rates would suit East Asia, but poor relations between China and Japan mean it is unlikely, argues Yung Chul Park»»»
Park, Yung Chul
Externally imposed financial repression, conflicted internationalisation of the renminbi and external balancing via wage adjustment»»»
Schnabl, Gunther
International economic indicators and central banks2007»»»
Dolganos Picker, Anne
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Reglobalizare : reintalnirea Chinei cu lumea2021»»»
Wang, Dong
Cao, Dejun
Gontea, Ana-Maria
Renminbi securities in portfolios of official institutions : a perspective from the Hong Kong monetary authority»»»
Matsui, Martin
Research handbook on central banking2018»»»
Conti-Brown, Peter
Lastra, Rosa Maria
Restructuring in weak legal and regulatory jurisdictions : the case of Indonesian restructurings»»»
Davis, Ray
Shadow banking in China : instruments, issues, trends»»»
Li, Jianjun
Hsu, Sara
Shadow banking in China and its implications in th eglobal financial recession»»»
Labes, Sebastian Andrei
The Oxford handbook of banking2019»»»
Berger, Allen
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
The new dilemma facing the central banks : central bankers have been praised for low inflation but how much credit do they deserve ? as the global economy takes a turn for the worse, we will soon find out says John Nugee»»»
Nugee, John
The rise of Hong Kong and Tokyo as international financial centres after 1950»»»
Schenk, Catherine R.
The successful asset management companies»»»
Neyens, Ruth L.
Zukri Samat, Dato
Choi, Beom
Kaisheng, Yang
Takagi, Shinjiro
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