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A century of monetary reform in South-East Europe : from political autonomy to the gold standard, 1815-1910»»»
Morys, Matthias
Central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy : from Germany and Greece to China and the United States2018»»»
Chaudhuri, Ranajoy Ray
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro»»»
Karatzas, Theodoros B.
Implicatii al eunei eventuale iesiri a Greciei din zona euro»»»
Moagar-Poladian, Simona
Andreescu, Eugen
Mesurer la monnaie : banques centrales et construction de l'autorite monetaire : (XIXe-XXe siecle)2005»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Modern bank behaviour2013»»»
Pastor Monsalvez, Jose Manuel
Guevara Radoselovics, Juan Fernandez de
Modern banking in the Balkans and West-European capital in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries2018»»»
Kostis, Kostas P.
The Greek banking system and its deregulation : history, structure and organization in a European context»»»
Pagoulatos, George
The changing nature of internationalization of the Greek financial sector»»»
Giannitsis, Tassos
The reinvention of development banking in the European Union : industrial policy in the single market and the emergence of a field2021»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
The rise, fall, and return of promotional banking in Greece»»»
Bastian, Jens
The transition after the civil war in Greece»»»
Kostis, Konstantinos
To archontiko tes Agrotikes Trapezas1985»»»
Chrestou, Chrysanthos
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