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A century of monetary reform in South-East Europe : from political autonomy to the gold standard, 1815-1910»»»
Morys, Matthias
Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-20062008»»»
Barisitz, Stephan
Banking transition progress, foreign bank entry and economic development: the case of Serbia»»»
Fink, Gerhard
Haiss, Peter
von Varendorff, Mina
Credit portfolio management: the case of Albania, FYR Macedonia and Serbia»»»
Marinov, Kalin
Foreign banks in Serbia, 1882-1914»»»
Mitrovic, Andrej
Foreign banks penetration in Albania, FYR Macedonia and Serbia»»»
Mladenova, Irena
Interview : Mladjan Dinkic : Yugoslavia's speedy economic recovery from Milosevic era has been achieved with a programme of radical reforms by a governor prepared to take risks : the governor discusses the implications of the creations of the new state union Serbia and Montenegro»»»
Dinkic, Mladjan
Modern banking in the Balkans and West-European capital in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries2018»»»
Kostis, Kostas P.
The CEE History Project : The history of savings banks in Central and Eastern Europe and the history of Erste Group's subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Solvak Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine[2015]»»»
Bacher, Norbert
Beitl, Matthias
Rapp-Wimberger, Nadia
Aleksic, Aleksandra
The role of Jews in Serbian banking until the First World War»»»
Milic, Danica
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