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A German model? : KfW, field dynamics, and the europeanization of "promotional" banking»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Banca Transilvania : un succes romanesc in ultimul sfert de veac»»»
Radulescu, Andrei
Banci europene si internationale2006»»»
Negru, Titel
Bancile Nationale de Dezvoltare si rolul lor in finantarea infrastructurii»»»
Halalai, Traian
- Descriere: p. 618-633
- ISBN: -
Banking 5.0 : how Fintech will change traditional banks in the "new normal" post pandemic2021»»»
Nicoletti, Bernardo
Billordo, Ramon
Banking cooperation in development financing»»»
Crnobrnja, Mihailo
Frere, Jean
Milutinovic, Milovan
Smole, Janko
Vries, Tom de
Colanovic, Branislav
Zhenhan, Chen
Granfil, Toma
De Witt, Y. B.
Banks and democracy»»»
Wallis, John Joseph
Central bankers in twelve countries between 1950 and 2000 : the making of a global elite»»»
Vendschlag, Mikael
Circulara nr. 129/129/129 din 26 octombrie 1959, privind modificari de competente la completarea nr. 3 a instructiunilor nr. 15/1955 a Bancii de Stat, referitoare la creditele pentru mica mecanizare si dezvoltarea productiei bunurilor de larg consum, precum si cu privire la alte precizari in legatura cu aplicarea instructiunilor nr.15/1959 : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
- Descriere: An 5, nr. 11, Noi 1959, p. 93
- ISBN: -
Conclusion : development banking and the future of European capitalism»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
Cooperation among central banks of developing countries»»»
Dimitrijevic, Dimitrije
Cooperation among central banks of the developing countries with a view to promoting financing of economic development»»»
Ghenima, Mohamed
Cooperation among commercial banks»»»
Colanovic, Branislav
Cooperation between the banks of developed and developing countries designed to promote the financing of economic development»»»
Aleksic, Milan
Cooperation of central banks of developing countries in promoting economic development financing»»»
Haddad, Adeeb
Development regarding cooperation of regional development banks and commercial banks»»»
Nyman, Claes
Economie europeana2022»»»
Milea, Oana Maria
European monetary integration : (a federal trust report)»»»
Magnifico, Giovanni
Williamson, John
FinTech revolution : universal inclusion in the new financial ecosystem2018»»»
Blakstad, Sofie
Allen, Robert
Financial resources for industrial projects in developing countries : industrial investment and financing series. Volume 1 : International and regional institutions, institutions in industrialized countries, Arab institutions with international operations, Islamic institutions, and associations of development finance institutions1983»»»
Institutional banking for emerging markets : principles and practice2007»»»
Huang, Wei-Xin
Introduction : the making of the European field of development banking»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
Is a European "hidden investment state" emerging in Spain? : the role of Instituto de Credito Oficial»»»
Clifton, Judith
Diaz Fuentes, Daniel
Garcia, Clara
Gomez, Ana Lara
Arowolo, Edward A.
Kayoumy, Abdulhay
Leveraging policy steer? : industrial policy, risk-sharing, and the European Investment Bank»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Naqvi, Natalya
Managing the contradictions of development finance in the EU's Eastern periphery : development banks in Hungary and Poland»»»
Piroska, Dora
Mero, Katalin
New analysis : the Iraqi currency conversion»»»
Carver, Nick
Organizational and operational restructuring of commercial banks to support international financing of development»»»
Payno, Juan Antonio
Positioning the World Bank»»»
Gilbert, Christopher L.
Powell, Andrew
Vines, David A.
Privatization, crisis, and the transformation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti»»»
Bulfone, Fabio
Di Carlo, Donato
Reflections on regional development finance and intercountry project financing approach to integration in the Arab world»»»
Imady, Mohammed
Relatii valutare si marketing financiar2007»»»
Negrus, Mariana
Baicu, Claudia
Role and place of developing countries' central banks under present-day conditions»»»
Trifunovic, Predrag
Sfarsitul banilor si viitorul civilizatiei2019»»»
Greco, Thomas H., Jr.
Chitosca, Marius
Fulger, Mihai
Sistemul bancar romanesc din Cluj : de la Marea Unire la Marea Criza Economica2022»»»
Moga, Septimiu
Salagean, Marcela
State aid and national development banks in the EU»»»
Volberding, Peter
The Bahamas»»»
Stephens, Samuel J.
The Oxford handbook of banking2019»»»
Berger, Allen
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
The impact of digital transformation and FinTech on the finance professional2019»»»
Liermann, Volker
Stegmann, Claus
Dombret, Andreas
The reinvention of development banking in the European Union : industrial policy in the single market and the emergence of a field2021»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
The rise of Bpifrance : the rebirth of a dirigiste state?»»»
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
The rise, fall, and return of promotional banking in Greece»»»
Bastian, Jens
The role of regional banks in development financing : the case of the IDB»»»
Morales, Cecilio J.
United in diversity? : interests, preferences, and patterns of engagement of public development banks in the implementation of the EU budget»»»
Rubio, Eulalia
Thiemann, Matthias
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