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Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Central bank management2009»»»
Mendzela, John
Carver, Nick
Ingves, Stefan
Dates slide for euro hopefuls : assistant editor Nick Carver surveys the progress - or in some cases the lack of it - of the ten countries that joined the EU in 2004»»»
Carver, Nick
How countries manage reserve assets2003»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
How countries manage reserve assets2003»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
Interview : Y. V. Reddy : the governor of India's central bank explains his watchful approach to economic development and reveals how a financial crisis was averted after May's general election»»»
Reddy, Yaga V.
Carver, Nick
- Descriere: volume 15, number 1, August 2004, p. 18-26
- ISBN: -
Last through the door ? : Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania may be the last countries to join the EU, and they are taking very different paths to the euro, Nick Carver reports»»»
Carver, Nick
New Analysis : the rise of reserve management»»»
Carver, Nick
- Descriere: volume 15, number 3, February 2005, p. 14-16
- ISBN: -
New analysis : the Iraqi currency conversion»»»
Carver, Nick
RBS reserve management trends 20062006»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
Rising from the ashes : the Central Bank of Iraq : Robert Pringle and Nick Carver trace the remarkable story of the resurrection of the war-torn country's central bank»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
- Descriere: volume 15, number 1, August 2004, p. 57-68
- ISBN: -
Scorecard for the City : a recent CSFI survey asked London market participants for their views on London's competitiveness : it shows that the City still has much going for it, but it suffers from a lack of leadership»»»
Carver, Nick
Should reserve management be farmed out? : why some do and some don't outsource reserve management»»»
Carver, Nick
Survey of central bank risk managers2004»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
The problem with sovereign debt restructuring : a retreat from earlier proposals has brought the IMF's plans closer to the US Treasury proposals : but fundamentals problemes prevent merger of the two, or implementation of either»»»
Carver, Nick
Turkey gains monetary credibility : Nick Carver reports on Turkey's struggle for monetary credibility and its plan to celebrate with a new lira : is it to good to be true ?»»»
Carver, Nick
- Descriere: volume 15, number 2, November 2004, p. 37-41
- ISBN: -
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