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Interview : Fatih Ozatay : the vice-governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey explains how the war in Iraq has affected the central bank and discusses its approach to inflation targeting»»»
Ozatay, Fatih
Sanat koleksiyonu2004»»»
Saglam, Mumtaz
Akdeniz, Halil
Sanat koleksiyonu [Volumul] 1 - [Volumul] 2»»»
Saglam, Mumtaz
Akdeniz, Halil
Sanat koleksiyonu [Volumul] 1 Batili Anlamda Turk Resim Sanatinin Gelisme Asamalari ve Kolesiyondan Ornekler = A collection of art works showing the development of Turkish painting in the western sense2004»»»
Saglam, Mumtaz
Akdeniz, Halil
Sanat koleksiyonu [Volumul] 2 Turk Sanatinda 1950 Sonrasi Cagdas Yaklasimlar ve Koleksiyondan Ornekler = A collection of art works exhibiting modern approaches in post-1950 Turkish art2014»»»
Akdeniz, Halil
The history of inflation in Turkey2006»»»
Dogruel, Fatma
Dogruel, Suut
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