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A great deal of ruin : financial crises since 19292019»»»
Gerber, James
A history of big recessions in the long twentieth century2020»»»
Solimano, Andres
A short way to macroeconomics core2017»»»
Caraman-Hudea, Oana Simona
An insider look back at the Greenspan Fed : Edward Gramlich, who recently retired as a Federal Reserve governor, discusses some highlights of his term in office with Blair Baker and Erin Kogan»»»
Gramlich, Edward M.
Baker, Blair
Kogan, Erin
An introduction to the study of prices1935»»»
Layton, Walter T.
Crowther, Geoffrey
Andre Thiers, - Ni inflation, ni deflation - Librairie des Sciences politiques. Marcel Riviere. - Paris : [recenzie]»»»
Platareanu, Mihail
Aufgaben des Geldes1937»»»
Lukas, Eduard
Balanta comerciala ; Comertul cu Romania ; Executarea politicei deflationiste ; Situatie Bursei ; Cursul lirei ; Cursul leului : [Italia]»»»
Porn, Eugen
Bernanke on Bernanke : Central Banking selects key remarks on major policy issues by the FED chairman-elect»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Building inflation credibility : Jannie Rossouw, of the South Africa Reserve Bank, presents his method for determining the credibility of a central bank's inflation targets»»»
Rossouw, Jannie
Central banks and world markets : how to detect early warning signals of financial distress2017»»»
Lolo, Fernando Walter
Rabbitte, Cathal
Challenges and risks posed to central banks by deflation2004»»»
Latter, Tony
Consideratiuni asupra reformelor economice ale presedintelui Roosevelt»»»
Vasiliu, Vasile Gh.
Contributiuni la studierea si solutionarea problemei monetare in Romania[1927]»»»
Protopopescu, I. D.
Crizele economice si ciclicitatea lor2011»»»
Berca, Alexandru
Cursul leului si a altor valute dela 27 la 29 Septembrie 1926 : [Elvetia]»»»
Deflatia monetara»»»
Protopopescu, I. T.
- Descriere: An 7, nr. 3-4, mar.-apr. 1924, p. 50-51
- ISBN: -
Deflatie si libertate2012»»»
Hulsmann, Jorg Guido
Mursa, Gabriel
Ifrim, Mihaela
Deflation and monetary contraction in the Great Depression : an analysis by simple ratios»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Mihov, Ilian
Deflation et devaluation1933»»»
Chabrun, Cesar
Deflation et devaluation : etude comparee de leurs effets sur les prix1938»»»
Wormser, Olivier
Deflation holds no terrors for Hong Kong : in the first of three-part feature on deflation, Tony Latter, former deputy chief executive at the HKMA, cites Hong Kong's experience to argue the mild deflation may not be too injurious»»»
Latter, Tony
Die Illusion des Geldes[1928]»»»
Fisher, Irving
Die Zukunft des Goldes1925»»»
Herrmann, Kurt A.
Die staatliche Preispolitik in Deutschland»»»
Jessen, Jens
Economic crisis : explanation & policy options2016»»»
Salisbury, Philip S.
Parkin, Michael
Employment, hours, and earnings in the Depression : an analysis of eight manufacturing industries»»»
Essays on the Great Depression2000»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Financial factors in business fluctuations»»»
Gertler, Mark
Hubbard, R. Glenn
Hall, Robert E.
Francul la raspantie de drumuri»»»
Ionescu, Lazar
Frankreichs Aufstieg zur Weltkapitalmacht : Diplomatie und Strategie des franzosischen Geldes seit 19261933»»»
Schmolders, Gunter
Geld und Gold1939»»»
Hopker Aschoff, Hermann
Ghid de testare a cunostintelor macroeconomice de baza2020»»»
Caraman-Hudea, Oana Simona
Global imbalances : is the world economy really at risk?2007»»»
Brender, Anton
Pisani, Florence
Miller, Axel
Blanchard, Olivier
Globalization and global disinflation»»»
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul
Hubbard, R. Glenn
Ortiz, Guillermo
Gold resumption and the deflation of the 1870s»»»
Burdekin, Richard Charles Keighly
Siklos, Pierre L.
Good versus bad deflation : lessons from the gold standard era2009»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Landon-Lane, John
Redish, Angela
Gustav Cassel: Money and foreign exchange after 1914. London-Constable & Co. Ltd. Price 10/6 : [recenzie]»»»
Gheorghiu, Panait R.
High prices and deflation1920»»»
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter
Vanderlip, Frank A.
How Fukui should deal with deflation : in the first of a two-part feature on Japan, Andrew Smithers discusses the economic solutions and political obstructions to reviving the stagnant economy»»»
Smithers, Andrew
How should central banks reduce inflation? : conceptual issues»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Dornbusch, Rudiger
McCallum, Bennett Tarlton
In defense of deflation2015»»»
Bagus, Philipp
Inflatie, dezinflatie, deflatie1992»»»
Bezbakh, Pierre
Theodorof, Eugenia
Theodorof, Ioan
Inflatie-devalorizare, stabilizare, deflatie-revalorizare1933»»»
Pavel, Aurel S.
Inflation, Deflation und Stabilisierung der rumanischen Wahrung1934»»»
Gruner, Erwin Wolfgang
Inflation, deflation and disinflation2012»»»
Hasanov, Mubariz
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, Herbert W.
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