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A history of modern marketing in China»»»
Gao, Zhihong
A paradigm shift in banking : unfolding Asia's FinTech adventures»»»
Gupta, Agrata
Xia, Chun
Analysis of stochastic dominance ranking of chinese income distributions by household attributes»»»
Maasoumi, Esfandiar
Heshmati, Almas
Su, Biwei
Banking and financial stability in the light of the crisis2012»»»
Soskic, Dejan
Banking and financial stability in the light of the crisis from the perspective of UniCredit2012»»»
Papa, Gianni Franco
Broadband, education, and human capital : theoretical framework and a case study of China»»»
Zhang, Xiaoqun
Liu, Mingwei
Johnson, Robert
China : razboaiele care vor veni : unde vor fi duse si cum pot fi castigate2011»»»
Navarro, Peter
Birsan, Victor
China : tara cu cel mai rapid ritm de crestere din lume2004»»»
Liusnea, Daniela Sebastiana
China Marelui Salt… inapoi vs China Pasilor Marunti… inainte»»»
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
China ca supraputere2021»»»
Marga, Andrei
China competing in the global economy2003»»»
Tseng, Wanda
Rodlauer, Markus
China's ambitions and the future of the global economy»»»
Root, Hilton L.
Baocheng, Liu
China's shadow banking sector : pillar of threat to the system?2012»»»
Taube, Markus
China, East Asia and global rebalancing2012»»»
Chinn, Menzie D.
China: prolonged reforms and the weakening of fiscal control»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Competition in the EU - 15 market : CESEE, China and Russia2012»»»
Schitter, Christian
Silgoner, Maria
Steiner, Katharina
Worz, Julia
Confessions of an economic hit man2023»»»
Perkins, John
Conjunctura economica in noile state independente din spatiul fostei Uniuni Sovietice si in China, Cuba, Mongolia si Vietnam in 20022003»»»
Conjunctura economica in noile state independente din spatiul fostei Uniuni Sovietice si in China, Cuba, Mongolia si Vietnam in 2002 si in primul semestru 20032003»»»
Liusnea, Daniela Sebastiana
Dezechilibrul schimburilor americano-chineze, sursa a tensiunilor relatiilor bilaterale2006»»»
Velicu, Rodica
Dezvoltarea economica a Chinei si implicatiile in lume2022»»»
Fang, Cai
Avram, Andreea
Toma, Paula
Dumitrescu, Madalina
Zahorte, Diana
Voicu, Ionela
Early imperial China, from the Qin and Han through Tang»»»
Lewis, Mark E.
Economic disturbances and equilibrium in an integrated global economy : investment insights and policy analysis2018»»»
Canto, Victor A.
Wiese, Andy
Economic policy and the Covid-19 crisis : the macroeconomic response in the US, Europe and East Asia2022»»»
Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette
Moon, Woosik
Sohn, Wook
Economic problems facing the next Russian president2012»»»
Aleksaschenko, Sergey
Emergenta Chinei in Africa : lupta pentru resurse energetice geostrategice»»»
Tache, Stefan
Euro-Dollar puzzles»»»
Hubner, Kurt
European integration in a global economy : CESEE and the impact of China and Russia2012»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Mooslechner, Peter
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Exchange rate policy2003»»»
Blancher, Nicolas
Expansiunea Chinei : cum Alibaba, Huawei, Lenovo si altii schimba regulile afacerilor2017»»»
Tse, Edward
Zbarcea, Bianca-Lidia
Externally imposed financial repression, conflicted internationalisation of the renminbi and external balancing via wage adjustment»»»
Schnabl, Gunther
Fate's gift economy : the Chinese case of coping with the asymmetry between man and fate»»»
Wagner, Rudolf G.
Financial growth and macroeconomic stability in China, 1978-92: implications for Russia and Eastern Europe»»»
McKinnon, Ronald Ian
Mathieson, Donald J.
Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Financial system soundness and reform2003»»»
Karacadag, Cam
Finantele Republicii Populare Chineze in slujba construirii socialismului»»»
Ionete, Constantin
Foreign direct investment and output growth2003»»»
Zebregs, Harm
Foreign direct investment in China : some lessons for other countries2003»»»
Tseng, Wanda
Zebregs, Harm
German unification and intra-European imbalances2012»»»
Schnabl, Gunther
Zemanek, Holger
Global imbalances, capital flows and the crisis2012»»»
Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria
Global shifts in the balance of economic activity trought the emergence of China and Russia2012»»»
Liikanen, Erkki
Global trade, regional trade and emerging Europe2012»»»
Stemitsiotis, Loukas
Kooi, Willem J.
Globalizarea economiei2005»»»
Bari, Ioan T.
How fast can China grow?2003»»»
Heytens, Paul
Zebregs, Harm
How real are the opportunities for multinationals in China?»»»
Williamson, Peter J.
Wan, Feng
Human evolutionary behavior and political economy»»»
Root, Hilton L.
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