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Apercu statistique de la republique Tchecoslovaque1930»»»
Association agreements and Central Europe's trade with the European Union : country studies : Slovakia»»»
Kosir, Igor
Kaminski, Bartlomiej
Business sector opportunities : Big Data analysis focusing on unpaid work»»»
Knapkova, Miroslava
Uramova, Maria
Lacova, Zaneta
Cateva date privind cooperatia agricola in Cehoslovacia»»»
Cahuleanu, A.
Comertul exterior al Cehoslovaciei in primul semestru al anului 1922»»»
Georgianu, Ilie I.
Competitiveness in European and international markets»»»
Bielik, Peter
Rajcaniova, Miroslava
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic : a new approach»»»
Komarek, Valtr
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic : a solid foundation»»»
Svejnar, Jan
Czechoslovakia : prohibitive odds»»»
Sik, Ota
Die Nachfolgestaaten Osterreich Ungarn Tschechoslowakei und ihre wirtschaftlichen Krafte1932»»»
Schacher, Gerhard
Die Umschichtung der tsechechoslowakischen Wirtschaft untersucht unter den Gesichtpunkten von Autarkie und Kriegswirtschaft1934»»»
Lang, Herbert
East European economic development : two decades of interrelationships and interactions with the Soviet Union»»»
Hardt, John P.
Economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe : planting the seeds2004»»»
Gros, Daniel
Steinherr, Alfred
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Slovacia»»»
Velciu, Rodica
Firm internationalization from a network perspective»»»
Ubreziova, Iveta
Interese economice polone si cehoslovace in Orient»»»
Dragomirescu, George
Introduction : economics and politics»»»
Gamarnikow, Michael
L'application des Big Data dans le processus d'evaluation des technologies medicales»»»
Horehajova, Maria
Marasova, Jana
Les possibles utilisations des donnees spatiales dans le systeme d'information geographique»»»
Kita, Jaroslav
Keresty, Jan
Dano, Ferdinand
Kita, Pavol
Kollar, Patricia
Neue Wege der Handelspolitik : Wirtschaftlicher Nationalismus : Clearing - Kompensationen1936»»»
Mayer, Jindrich
Horna, Milos
Sourek, Antonin
Performantele economice comparative ale tarilor central- si est-europene, in pregatirea aderarii la UE : perspective pe termen mediu2003»»»
Campeanu, Virginia
Policy dilemmas or Eastern European reforms : notes of an insider»»»
Klaus, Vaclav
Real and nominal convergence: challenges for monetary and exchange rate policy - the case of Slovakia2003»»»
Nemec, Marian
Recent developments in Czechoslovakia»»»
Tosovsky, Josef
Regionalism in Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Szul, Roman
Situatia industriei cehoslovace si perspectivele legaturilor cu Romania»»»
Topliceanu, Alexandru
Slovakia : farewell to a passive policy-taker role?»»»
Gal, Zsolt
Malova, Darina
Slovakia on the road to a market economy in 2000»»»
Kohutikova, Elena
The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic: government finances in a period of transition»»»
Prust, Jim
The U.S.S.R. : the reform that never was»»»
Nove, Alec
Voucher funds in the transition economies : the Czech and Slovak examples»»»
Anderson, Robert E.
Wirtschaftsorganisation im Kriege : mit einer Ubersicht uber vorbereitende Maßnahmen im Ausland1938»»»
Scherbening, Eberhard
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