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Association agreements and Central Europe's trade with the European Union : country studies : Hungary»»»
Meisel, Sandor
Sapir, Andre
Austria-Hungary : from 1863 to 1914»»»
Jobst, Clemens
Scheiber, Thomas
Changes in household income, income inequality and poverty: a comparative overview2009»»»
Stanovnik, Tine
Kump, Natasa
Changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Hungary2009»»»
Comertul exterior al Romaniei cu produse agroalimentare : 1990-20202022»»»
Andrei, Tudorel
Hera, Cristian
Comertul exterior al Ungariei in 1925»»»
Matasaru, I.
Completing transition: the case of Hungary»»»
Inotai, Andras
Cum s-a stabilizat moneda si situatia economica ungara»»»
Matasaru, I.
Das Wirtschaftsburgertum und seine offentliche und karitative Tatigkeit in Ungarn im 19. Jahrhundert : ein historiographischer Uberblick»»»
Pal, Judit
Die Nachfolgestaaten Osterreich Ungarn Tschechoslowakei und ihre wirtschaftlichen Krafte1932»»»
Schacher, Gerhard
East European economic development : two decades of interrelationships and interactions with the Soviet Union»»»
Hardt, John P.
Economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe : planting the seeds2004»»»
Gros, Daniel
Steinherr, Alfred
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Ungaria»»»
Moagar-Poladian, Simona
Goulash labour market structural reforms : Hungary, 1986-2016»»»
Campos, Nauro Ferreira
Hidden economy in Hungary : 1992-1999»»»
Toth, Janos Istvan
Sik, Endre
Sik, Endre
Toth, Janos Istvan
Hungary : gradualism needs a strategy»»»
Mizsei, Kalman
Hungary : marching forward»»»
Linder, Willy
Hungary : sound money, fiscal problems»»»
Riecke, Werner
Antal, Laszlo
Hungary in the Visegrad group : introducing a three-level game approach»»»
Arato, Krisztina
Koller, Boglarka
Hungary: a case of gradual fiscal reform»»»
Kopits, George
L'annuaire de l'exportation hongroise : 1947[1947]»»»
Managing the contradictions of development finance in the EU's Eastern periphery : development banks in Hungary and Poland»»»
Piroska, Dora
Mero, Katalin
National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Poland2014»»»
Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun
Edvinsson, Leif
Chen, Jeffrey
Beding, Tord
O analiza a corelatiei pe termen scurt dintre aprecierea cursului real de schimb si deficitul balantei comerciale in cazul Romaniei si Ungariei»»»
Gogoneata, Basarab
Performantele economice comparative ale tarilor central- si est-europene, in pregatirea aderarii la UE : perspective pe termen mediu2003»»»
Campeanu, Virginia
Privatization in Hungary 1995»»»
Abel, Istvan
Lukacs, Erzsbet
Recent developments in Hungary»»»
Tarafas, Imre
Schimburile comerciale romano-ungare»»»
Codrescu, Florin
The U.S.S.R. : the reform that never was»»»
Nove, Alec
The costs and benefits of an early EMU participation for Hungary2003»»»
Hamecz, Istvan
Horvath, Agnes
The economic position of Hungary between East and West»»»
Stein, Emil
The economics of World War I2009»»»
Broadberry, Stephen
Harrison, Mark
The role of investment funds and special investment companies in accelerating privatization in Hungary»»»
Lajtai, Gyorgy
The social impact of informal economies in Eastern Europe2018»»»
Neef, Rainer
Stanculescu, Manuela Sofia
Pahl, Raymond
Theorie der Devisenzwangswirtschaft : auf Grund der deutschen und auslandischen Erfahrungen in der Zeit von 1914 bis 19401940»»»
Luckas, Hans
Transition banking : financial development of Central and Eastern Europe1998»»»
Anderson, Ronald W.
Kegels, Chantal
Zwischen Freund und Feind : Deutsche Besatzung in Rumanien : 1916-19182010»»»
Mayerhofer, Lisa
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