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"Demonetizarea" aurului»»»
Ghibutiu, Aurel
"Special drawing rights" at a crossroads : growing role or atrophy»»»
Stojiljkovic, Miodrag
A brief overview of financial accounts and balance sheets»»»
Fano, Daniele
A mixed record for IMF advice2000»»»
Williamson, John
A plan for increasing liquidity : a critique»»»
Harrod, Roy
Adjustment and financing in the developing world : the role of the International Monetay Fund1982»»»
Killick, Tony
Larosiere, Jacques de
Adunarea generala anuala a Fondului Monetar International si a Bancii Internationale pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare de la Copenhaga : 21-25 septembrie 1970»»»
After the gold exchange standard?»»»
Triffin, Robert
Aid volatility and macroeconomic policies2008»»»
Prati, Alessandro
Tressel, Thierry
An uncertain future»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Armata, spionaj si economie in Romania : (1945-1991)2021»»»
Opris, Petre
Arrears and burden sharing at the IMF1995»»»
Munzberg, Reinhard H.
Assesing financial sector soundness : the role of the IMF2002»»»
Ingves, Stefan
Leone, Alfredo M.
Hilbers, Paul
O'Brien, Mark
Assuring the free world's liquidity»»»
Roosa, Robert Vincent
Balance of payments yearbook : 1938, 1946, 19471949»»»
Banci europene si internationale2006»»»
Negru, Titel
Bank notes»»»
Banking and interest»»»
Tasic, Antonije
Banking elements : workbook2003»»»
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Banking soundness and the role of the Fund1997»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Beyond Brady : toward a strategy for debt reduction»»»
Islam, Shafiqul
Booknotes : by popular discontent : Joseph Stiglitz's capacity to shock is not in doubt : but his view of globalisation is too narrow, and he is wide of the mark on the discontent, suggests Graham Bannock»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Bannock, Graham
Bretton Woods for better or worse1946»»»
Hawtrey, Ralph George
Cand finanta submineaza economia si corodeaza democratia2012»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Capital formation in developing countries»»»
de Mel, Ronnie
Capitalismul incotro? : criza economica, mersul ideilor, institutii2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Vranceanu, Radu
Central banking and financialization : a Romanian account of how Eastern Europe became subprime2011»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Central banking and the Great Moderation»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Central banks as bankers to each other : overview, trends, and future directions in global official sector service provision»»»
Potter, Simon M.
Nemeth, Matthew
Choi, Mark
Challenges and opportunities under conditionality : Portugal»»»
Lisi, Marco
Ramalhete, Vera
Closing addresses : finance, money, development»»»
Perroux, Francois
Triffin, Robert
Sefer, Berislav
Colaborarea Republicii Moldova cu FMI : rezultate preliminare si probleme actuale2004»»»
Patras, Mihai
Comment : "Improving the Bretton Woods System"»»»
Curzon, Gerard
Commentary : Crises : the price of globalization?»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Commodity currencies and the real exchange rate2008»»»
Cashin, Paul
Cespedes, Luis F.
Sahay, Ratna
Concepts, definitions and composition»»»
Arslanalp, Serkan
Bergthaler, Wolfgang
Stokoe, Philip
Tieman, Alexander F.
Conditionality, dependence and coordination : three current debates in aid policy»»»
Collier, Paul
Conferinta monetara dela Bretton Woods»»»
Vintila, Ion
Consolidarea economiei de piata : diagnoze, prioritati, perspective2001»»»
Cooperation and competition in international finance : avenues towards more efficient financial systems»»»
Klein, Dietmar K. R.
Cooperation between the banks of developed and developing countries designed to promote the financing of economic development»»»
Aleksic, Milan
Cooperation to solve the gold problem»»»
Wallich, Henry Christopher
Coordonate ale relatiilor FMI-tarile membre»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Corporatiile conduc lumea2000»»»
Korten, David C.
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