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Dollar volatility and its impact on world financial markets2005»»»
Frowen, Stephen F.
Karakitsos, Elias
How central banks manege risk2000»»»
Pringle, Robert
Weller, Benedict
Frowen, Stephen F.
Interview : Hans Tietmeyer : in a wide-range interview, the former president of the Bundesbank talks with Stephen F. Frowen about the politics of the euro, the work of the Financial Stability Forum and the role of the G-7 in the international debt relief»»»
Tietmeyer, Hans
Frowen, Stephen F.
Interview : Otmar Issing : the chief economist an executive board member of the European Central Bank gives an inside view on the ECB's thinking : why has the ECB recently started publishing macroeconomic projections rather than forecasts, and what do these projections mean for policymakers and the markets?»»»
Frowen, Stephen F.
Risk management for central bankers2000»»»
Frowen, Stephen F.
Pringle, Robert
Weller, Benedict
Weber reveals his monetary policy stance : Axel Weber set out his thinking on the role of monetary policy and interest rates in three speeches in March»»»
Weber, Axel Alfred
Frowen, Stephen F.
Karakitsos, Elias
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