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Australian monetary policy in the depression 1930-19331937»»»
Copland, Douglas
Booms and depression : some first principles1933»»»
Fisher, Irving
Collective behavior and monetary policy1937»»»
Loveday, A.
Controlling booms and depresions1937»»»
Eccles, Marriner S.
Economic nationalism of the Danubian states1928»»»
Pasvolsky, Leo
Employment stbilization and price stabilization1937»»»
Ohlin, Bertil
Essays in monetary economics1967»»»
Johnson, Harry Gordon
Germany's present currency system1937»»»
Schumacher, H.
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, Herbert W.
International economic reconstruction realized trough rational management of free currencies1937»»»
Lindhal, Erik
International monetary economics1969»»»
Machlup, Fritz
International monetary organization and policy1937»»»
Williams, John H.
Lessons of Chinese monetary policy1937»»»
Soong, T. V.
Mastering the crisis1934»»»
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, Herbert W.
Monetary initiative in a traditional world1937»»»
Rogers, James H.
Monetary policy and economic stability1937»»»
Pedersen, Jorgen
Monetary policy in the upswing1937»»»
Hansen, Alvin Harvey
Proportionalism and stabilization policy1937»»»
Mlynarski, Feliks
Social security1943»»»
Robson, William A.
Stabilised money : a history of the movement1935»»»
Fisher, Irving
Studies in economic dynamics1943»»»
Kalecki, Michal
The Nederlands during the recent depression1937»»»
Verrijn Stuart, G. M.
The absorption of gold : a study in monetary policy1937»»»
Findlay Shirras, G.
The conditions of agricultural growth : the economic of agrarian change under population pressure1972»»»
Boserup, Ester
The credit deadlock1937»»»
Hawtrey, Ralph George
The currencies of China : old and new1937»»»
Kann, E.
The economic basis of a durable peace1942»»»
Meade, James Edward
The economic problems of Europe pre-war and after1928»»»
Price, Philips
The economics of inflation : a study of currency depreciation in post-war Germany1937»»»
Bresciani-Turroni, Constantino
The federal intermediate credit system1926»»»
Benner, Claude L.
The general objectives of monetary policy1937»»»
Angell, James Waterhouse
The international accounts1927»»»
Lewis, Cleona
The lessons of monetary experience : essays in honor of Irving Fisher1937»»»
Gayer, Arthur David
The medieval practice managed currency1937»»»
Einaudi, Luigi
The monetary experience of Canada during the during depression1937»»»
Noble, S. R.
The monetary system of Egypt and inquiry into its history and present working1935»»»
Rifaat, Mohammed Ali
The monetary tangle of the post-war period1937»»»
Strakosch, Henry
The people's charter1942»»»
Barnes, H. N.
The recent monetary policy of Japan1937»»»
Fukai, Eigo
The reconstuction of world trade: a survey of international economic relations1941»»»
Condliffe, John Bell
The theory of rate of interest1937»»»
Keynes, John Maynard
The world economic crisis and the way of escape1931»»»
Salter, Arthur
Stamp, Josiah
Keynes, John Maynard
Blackett, Basil
Clay, Henry
Beveridge, W. H.
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