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A mixed record for IMF advice2000»»»
Williamson, John
Arrears and burden sharing at the IMF1995»»»
Munzberg, Reinhard H.
Assesing financial sector soundness : the role of the IMF2002»»»
Ingves, Stefan
Leone, Alfredo M.
Hilbers, Paul
O'Brien, Mark
Capital market liberalization, globalization, and the IMF»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
- Descriere: p. 76-100
- ISBN: -
Central bank use of contingent liabilities : Mario I. Blejer and Liliana Schumacher of the IMF discuss the analytics and the measurement of contingent commitments»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Schumacher, Liliana
Compliance with the core principles for systemically important payment systems and the role of th IMF2002»»»
Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Epilogue : How should we view the transformation of the IMF? : Looking at the collapse of the Bretton Woods System»»»
Itoh, Masanao
- Descriere: p. 311-318
- ISBN: -
Evaluating IMF programs2000»»»
Khan, Mohsin
Everything the IMF wanted to know about financial regulation and wasn't afraid to ask»»»
Bair, Sheila
- Descriere: p. 129-134
- ISBN: -
Exchange rate analysis in support of IMF surveillance : a collection of empirical studies2008»»»
Cottarelli, Carlo
Ghosh, Atish R.
Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria
Tsangarides, Charalambos
Fifty years after Bretton Woods : the future of the IMF and the World Bank : proceedings of a conference held in Madrid, Spain, September 29-30, 19941995»»»
Boughton, James M.
Lateef, K. Sarwar
Camdessus, Michel
Financial organization and operations of the IMF2001»»»
Fiscal forecasting : the track record of the IMF, OECD and EC»»»
Artis, Michael J.
Marcellino, Massimiliano
- Descriere: Vol. 4, No. 1, 2001, p. S20-S36
- ISBN: -
History of the IMF : organization, policy, and market2015»»»
Yago, Kazuhiko
Asai, Yoshio
Itoh, Masanao
How emerging Europe came through the 2008/09 crisis : an account by the staff of the IMF's European department2012»»»
Bakker, Bas Berend
Klingen, Christoph
IMF Glossary : English-French-German = IWF-Glossar : Englisch-Franzosisch-Deutsch1998»»»
IMF Technical Assistance in the Economic and Monetary»»»
Durand, Christian
- Descriere: p. 259-275
- ISBN: -
IMF and the indebtedness problem of developing countries»»»
Sturc, Ernest
IMF essays from a time of crisis : the international financial system, stabilization, and development2004»»»
Fischer, Stanley
IMF programs : who is chosen and what are the effects?»»»
Barro, Robert Joseph
Lee, Jong-Wha
- Descriere: Vol. 52, No. 7, October 2005, p. 1245-1269
- ISBN: -
IMF programs: participation, implementation, and effects»»»
Bird, Graham
Rowlands, Dane
IMF-related news and emerging financial markets»»»
Hayo, Bernd
Kutan, Ali M.
- Descriere: Vol. 24, No. 7, November 2005, p. 1126-1142
- ISBN: -
Implications of EMU for the IMF1997»»»
Maystadt, Philippe
Improving governance and fighting corruption in the Baltic and CIS countries : the role of the IMF2000»»»
Wolf, Thomas
Gurgen, Emine
International financial architecture : G7, IMF, BIS, debtors and creditors2005»»»
Pelaez, Carlos M.
Pelaez, Carlos A.
Interview : Jacques de Larosiere : Europe must stick with its fiscal rules says the former managing director of the IMF and governer of the Banque de France»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Pringle, Robert
- Descriere: volume 15, number 2, November 2004, p. 18-22
- ISBN: -
Interview : Kenneth Rogoff : in this wide-ranging interview the former chief economist of the IMF discusses the likely fallout from the unsustainable US deficits, the dollar's hegemony, the Fund's failings, the weak spots in the global economy and the future of central banks»»»
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul
Interview : Mario Blejer : in January 2002 the former IMF economist Mario Blejer became governor at Banco Central de la Republica Argentina with the job of preventing Argentina from descending into financial anarchy : two weeks after his resignation in late June he spoke to Central Banking»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Interview : Mohamed El-Erian : Mohamed El-Erian, a member of the McDonough commission on reform of the IMF, discusses how a re-focused Fund can now tackle the big issue facing the global economy»»»
El-Erian, Mohamed A.
Interview : the IMF answers its critics : in an exclusive interview, Tom Dawson, Director of the IMF's External Relations Department, gives the most extensive, detailed responsed yet published to the many crticisms recently voiced of the IMF : in the process, he reveals how Managing Director Horst Kohler is changing the Fund»»»
Dawson, Tom
Kohler, Horst
Japan's participation in the IMF and settlement of its prewar foreign debt»»»
Kishida, Makoto
- Descriere: p. 225-247
- ISBN: -
Measurement of fiscal performance in IMF-supported programs : some methodological issues1993»»»
Ize, Alain
Members rights and obligations under the IMF's articles of agreement: the role of practice in the interpretation of an organization's charter1995»»»
Gianviti, Francois P.
On the financial role of the IMF2000»»»
Boorman, Jack
Opening remarks ; the IMF and the financial sector2002»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Opening remarks at the Third Joint IMF - National Bank of Romania Seminar on financial stability issues2008»»»
Roger, Scott
Overall relationships between the IMF's government finance statistics ans a system of national accounts1991»»»
Levin, Jonathan
Policy coordination and future IMF surveillance : Alexander Swoboda analyses past attempts at international policy coordination, and asks what role a newly mandated IMF should play in unwinding global imbalances»»»
Swoboda, Alexander K.
Pre-history of the IMF: debates in the UK and Anglo-American negotiation»»»
Itoh, Masanao
- Descriere: p. 3-24
- ISBN: -
Principles of valuation and reconciliation items in the IMF's money and banking statistics and a system of national accounts1991»»»
Dublin, Keith G.
Proposed new approach to sovereign debt restructuring : the IMF proposals for sovereign debt restructuring present a revolution in international financial architecture : Andrew Yianni, of Clifford Chance, gives a legal opinion on the implications and limitations of this far-reaching proposal»»»
Yianni, Andrew
Reports from Dubai : in the following 14 pages our correspondent report some of the more interesting but less publicised developments and events that took place at and around this year's meeting of the IMF, held in the glittering hotels and convention centre at Dubai : first, Robert Pringle, reports on this year's Per Jacobsson lecture»»»
Pringle, Robert
Jacobsson, Per
Restoration of European currency convertibility and securing international liquidity : the IMF and key currencies»»»
Tsurumi, Masayoshi
- Descriere: p. 125-144
- ISBN: -
Socio-economical and political costs of the adjustment process to external disequilibrium in LDCs : the need for a new IMF in the 80's»»»
Villarreal, Rene
Some IMF problems after the Commitee of Twenty»»»
Kafka, Alexandre
- Descriere: p. 102-105
- ISBN: -
Strenghtening the international financial architecture: contribution by the IMF and World Bank»»»
Peuker, Axel
Structural adjustment and the role of the IMF»»»
Stuart, Brian C.
Noman, Akbar
- Descriere: p. 110-132
- ISBN: -
Ten common misconceptions about the IMF1993»»»
The IMF : all set for a real change of direction»»»
Uzan, Marc
Pringle, Robert
The IMF and Canada : from floating to fixed exchange rates»»»
Sugawara, Ayumu
- Descriere: p. 207-223
- ISBN: -
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