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A distant view: imagery and imagination in the paper currency of the British Empire, 1800-19601999»»»
Hewitt, Virginia
- Descriere: p. 97-116
- ISBN: -
Amanda-Miranda : roman1980»»»
Peck, Richard
Albert, Marc
Central banks on the web : why are we there? : central banks must go beyond the minimum of data provision if they are to build an image and address the growing demands of their diverse audience, argues Brent Eades of the Bank of Canada»»»
Eades, Brent
Coining images of power : patterns in the representation of Roman emperors on imperial coinage, A.D. 193-2842012»»»
Manders, Erika
Dear Jean-Claude... changing the way the ECB works would improve its image and make your job easier, writes Charles Goodhart in an open letter to the ECB's president»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Dor de Iasi : imagini din Iasul vechi = images du vieux Iasi = images of old Iasi2016»»»
Silberstein, Jil
Faustina the Younger : coinage, portraits, and public image2021»»»
Beckmann, Martin
Four images of Ned Gramlich»»»
Wilcox, David W.
How to make forgotten spaces visible? : image making as a coping strategy of two European small towns»»»
Pluschke-Altof, Bianka
Sept, Ariane
Image of the castrum of the I Italica on the Column of Trajan: fiction or archaeological reality?»»»
Dyczek, Piotr
- Descriere: p. 95-110
- ISBN: -
Imaginea Romaniei in vremea lui Carol I, intre traditie si vocatie europeana = Romania's image in the time of Carol I, between tradition and European calling»»»
Punga, Doina
L'image roumaine de Byzance a l'epoque des lumieres2002»»»
Tanasoca, Nicolae-Serban
Le jazz et ses musiciens1963»»»
Montarlot, Gerard
Luter, Claude
Les cieux de l'Olt : les scolies de l'Archimandrite Bartholom ̌ŕ une suite d'images photographiques1998»»»
Anania, Valeriu
Money and image : the presence of the state on the routes of economy»»»
Holscher, Tonio
Praha ve fotografii = Praga v fotosnimkakh = Prag in fotografie = Prague in pictures = Prague en images1968»»»
Plicka, Karel
Republica Moldova in imagini = Republic of Moldova in images1998»»»
Coroban, Vitalie
Gaidas, Vlad
Grozdev, Constantin
Volontir, Valerie
Show me the money : the image of finance, 1700 to the present2014»»»
Crosthwaite, Paul
Knight, Peter
Marsh, Nicky
Societatea postcapitalista1999»»»
Drucker, Peter F.
The architecture of the Banco de Espana : images of an historic building2001»»»
Alonso, Maria Jose
Campano, Javier
The image of Dacia, Getae and Dacians in Hispanic historical literature : (seventh-twenty-first century)»»»
Carbo Garcia, Juan Ramon
The image of the medieval library»»»
Gameson, Richard
- Descriere: p. 31-71
- ISBN: -
The second image reversed : impact of the international economy on domestic politics»»»
Gourevitch, Peter
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