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"Maybe the Fund needs something else". Per Jacobsson, from the Bank for International Settlements to the International Monetary Fund, 1931-1963»»»
Clement, Piet
- Descriere: p. 67-94
- ISBN: -
A decade of transition2001»»»
Havrylyshyn, Oleh
Nsouli, Saleh M.
A decade of transition : achievements and challenges2001»»»
Havrylyshyn, Oleh
Nsouli, Saleh M.
A discussion of public sector accounts1991»»»
Levin, Jonathan
Tongeren, Jan van
Newson, Brian
Blades, Derek
A further look at the treatment of insurance in a system of national accounts1991»»»
Vanoli, Andre
A mixed record for IMF advice2000»»»
Williamson, John
Adjustemnt in Latin America 1981-19861987»»»
Bianchi, Andres
Adjustment and economic growth : their fundamental complementarity1987»»»
Guitian, Manuel
Adjustment and financing in the developing world : the role of the International Monetay Fund1982»»»
Killick, Tony
Larosiere, Jacques de
Agricultural structural policies1987»»»
Johnson, D. Gale
Aid volatility and macroeconomic policies2008»»»
Prati, Alessandro
Tressel, Thierry
Alternative approaches to regulation and corporate governance in financial firms2002»»»
Llewellyn, David T.
Amalgamating central bank and fiscal deficits1993»»»
Robinson, David
Stella, Peter
An American perspective on EMU1997»»»
Volcker, Paul A.
An example of progress in dealineating relationships between government finance statistics and national accounts concepts1991»»»
Levin, Jonathan
Tongeren, Jan van
Anatomy of an international banking scandal1995»»»
Moscow, John W.
Applying basle standards in developing and transition economies1997»»»
Musch, Frederik C.
Approaches to exchange rate policy : choices for developping and transition economies : papers presented at the seminar on exchange rate policies in developing and transition economies, December 3-11, 19921994»»»
Barth, Richard C.
Wong, Chorng-Huey
Fontenay, Patrick de
Are all summary indicators of the stance of fiscal policy misleading?1993»»»
Mackenzie, George A.
Are bank still special?1997»»»
George, Edward A. J.
Arrears and burden sharing at the IMF1995»»»
Munzberg, Reinhard H.
Assesing financial sector soundness : the role of the IMF2002»»»
Ingves, Stefan
Leone, Alfredo M.
Hilbers, Paul
O'Brien, Mark
Assessing financial system vulnerabilities2000»»»
Johnston, Barry
Chai, Jingqing
Schumacher, Liliana
Assessing the ability of a financial system to withstand financial stress : a market perspective2002»»»
Mahoney, Christopher T.
Background readings[1995]»»»
Balance of payments adjustment and developing countries : some outstanding issues1986»»»
Killick, Tony
Balance of payments manual1977»»»
Balance of payments yearbook : 1938, 1946, 19471949»»»
Bank soundness and macroeconomic policy1996»»»
Lindgren, Carl Johan
Garcia, Gillian G. H.
Saal, Matthew I.
Bank soundness in a global setting : main themes and policy conclusions1997»»»
Guitian, Manuel
Bank-by-bank credit ceilings: issues and experiences1997»»»
Farahbaksh, Mitra
Sensenbrenner, Gabriel
Banking crises : cases and issues1991»»»
Sundararajan, V.
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Zulu, Justin B.
Banking law developments in the United Kingdom1995»»»
Pigott, Hugh S.
Banking sector reform in Central and Eastern Europe2001»»»
Bokros, Lajos
Banking soudness and monetary policy : issues and experiences in the global economy : papers presented at the seventh seminar on central banking Washington, D.C. January 27-31, 19971997»»»
Enoch, Charles
Green, John H.
Banking soudness and the role of the market1997»»»
Brash, Donald T.
Banking soundness : the other dimension of monetary policy1997»»»
Guitian, Manuel
Banking soundness and the role of the Fund1997»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Banks and credit in Japan2003»»»
Dell'Ariccia, Giovanni
Budgetary impact of privatization1993»»»
Mansoor, Ali M.
Building monetary and financial systems : case studies in technical assistance2007»»»
Enoch, Charles
Habermeier, Karl
Castello Branco, Marta
Building sound finance in emerging market economies : proceedings of a conference held in Washington, D.C., June 10-11, 19931994»»»
Caprio, Gerard, Jr.
Folkerts-Landau, David
Lane, Timothy David
Camdessus, Michel
Calculating counterparty credit exposure when credit quality is correlated with market prices2002»»»
Uhl, W. Trevor
Monet, Charles R.
Can the right balance be achieved?2000»»»
Frankel, Jeffrey A.
Capital controls : country experiences with their use and liberalization2000»»»
Ariyoshi, Akira
Habermeier, Karl
Laurens, Bernard J.
Otker-Robe, Inci
Canales-Kriljenko, Jorge Ivan
Kirilenko, Andrei A.
Capital flight from Russia2000»»»
Loungani, Prakash
Mauro, Paolo
Capital mobility and its impact on the operations of a central bank1997»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Central banking legislation : a collection of central bank, monetary and banking laws1961-1967»»»
Aufricht, Hans
Challenges for the next decade of transition2001»»»
Stern, Nicholas
Challenges to central banking from globalized financial systems : papers presented at the ninth conference on central banking, Washington D.C., September 16-17, 20022003»»»
Ugolini, Piero C.
Schaechter, Andrea
Stone, Mark R.
Aninat, Eduardo
Ingves, Stefan
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