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A new English and French pocket dictionary : containing all the words indispensable in daily conversation, admirably adapted for the use of travellers. Vol. 1 English-French1904»»»
Feller, F. E.
Rogivue, H.
Contributia Romaniei la razboiul antihitlerist : (23 august 1944-9 mai 1945)1958»»»
Cupsa, Ion Gheorghe
Matei, Gheorghe
Focseneanu, I.
Balteanu, B.
Ion, L.
Zaharescu, V.
David F. Phillips, Emblems of the Indian States, Winchester, Massachusetts, USA: Flag Heritage Foundation, 2011 (The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series, Publication No. 2), 63 p.: il. : [recenzie]»»»
Andries-Tabac, Silviu
David F. Phillips, The Double Eagle, Danvers, Massachusetts, USA: Flag Heritage Foundation, 2014, (The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series, Publication No. 4), 160 p.: il. : [recenzie]»»»
Andries-Tabac, Silviu
Handbook of computational economics. Volume 2 : Agent-based computational economics2006»»»
Tesfatsion, Leigh
Judd, Kenneth L.
Karl Aun, The Estonian Flag a hundred years of blue-black-white, translated by Peeter Tammisto, Winchester, Massachusetts, USA: Flag Heritage Foundation, 2010, 24 p.: il., (The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series, Publication No. 1): [recenzie]»»»
Diaconu, Ana-Felicia
William M. Becker, Vatican flags. Keys & crowns since 1800: The flag of the Papal States and today's Vatican = Raven: A Journal of Vexillology, North American Vexillological Association, volume 25, [Boston, USA], 2018, 164 p.: il. : [recenzie]»»»
Andries-Tabac, Silviu
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