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"Belgia Orientului" si caile ferate : motivele unei comparatii : constructia politica a statului-natiune in Parlamentul roman : (1866-1871)»»»
Beke, Philippe
"One money for an Empire" : achievements and limitations of Byzantium's currency from Constantine the Great to the Fall of Constantinople»»»
Morrisson, Cecile
"The stages of growth" as a key to policy»»»
Rostow, Walt W.
1 decembrie 1918 : Unirea nefructificata a romanilor»»»
Dungaciu, Dan
100 de ani de comert exterior romanesc2018»»»
Zaman, Gheorghe
Miron, Dumitru
Ionescu, Mihai
Lazea, Valentin
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall : turns and twists in economies, politics, and societies in the post-communist countries2020»»»
Akimov, Alexander
Kazakevitch, Gennadi
Gill, Graeme
A "Tory outre"? : Le Blanc and Forbonnais as readers of Hume»»»
Demals, Thierry
A bridge too far»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
A comparative history of bank failures : from Medici to Barings2019»»»
Jonsson, Sten
A country in global economy»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
A global history of money2021»»»
Kuroda, Akinobu
A great deal of ruin : financial crises since 19292019»»»
Gerber, James
A history of Danish advertising, market research, and retailing institutions : 1920-1960»»»
Kloppenborg Madsen, Erik
A history of European economic thought2022»»»
Magliulo, Antonio
A history of big recessions in the long twentieth century2020»»»
Solimano, Andres
A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind2015»»»
Mitford Goodson, Stephen
A history of modern marketing in China»»»
Gao, Zhihong
A la recherche de la modernisation : des idees de facture corporatiste en Roumanie : (1918-1938)»»»
Liciu, Doru
A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-20212022»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
A perspective from the overseas historical archive»»»
Canas, Ana
A revisionist historiography of business history : a richer past for a richer future»»»
Kipping, Matthias
Kurosawa, Takafumi
Wadhwani, R. Daniel
A semisubsistence village economy in Lower Burma»»»
Pfanner, David E.
A taxonomy of post-communist economies after 30 years of reforms»»»
Kazakevitch, Gennadi
A thirteenth-century fiscal constitution»»»
Castro Henriques, Antonio
A. Murat: Initiation a la theorie economique, Paris 1943. Presses Universitares de France : [recenzie]»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Actiunea umana : tratat de teorie economica2018»»»
Mises, Ludwig von
Comanescu, Dan Cristian
Topan, Mihail-Vladimir
Actiunea umana : un tratat de economie2018»»»
Mises, Ludwig von
Mursa, Gabriel
Stoianovici, Dragan
Patapievici, Horia-Roman
Activitatea bancara : sisteme, operatiuni si practici2010»»»
Capraru, Bogdan
Advances in monetary economics2021»»»
Currie, David A.
After the crisis : reform, recovery, and growth in Europe2016»»»
Caselli, Francesco
Centeno, Mario
Tavares, Jose
Al XVI-lea Congres Mondial de Istorie Economica. Cercetarea economica romaneasca pe loc important in cercetarea economica modiala. Stellenbosch, Africa de Sud, 9-13 iulie 2012»»»
Popescu, Dan
- Descriere: p. 141-149
- ISBN: -
Al di la del muro : 30 anni di migrazioni dalla Romania = Dincolo de "Cortina de Fier" : 30 de ani de migratii din Romania»»»
Ricci, Antonio
Ceca, Kliti
Rexha, Kelmend
Orhan, Elsida
Amartya Sen. Saracie si foamete (1981) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
An economic history of Europe : knowledge, institutions and growth, 600 to the present2015»»»
Persson, Karl Gunnar
Sharp, Paul Richard
An economic history of Europe since 17002017»»»
Zamagni, Vera
Brennen, N. Michael
An economic history of twentieth-century Europe : economic regimes from laissez-faire to globalization2007»»»
Berend, Ivan T.
An exploration of the evolution of risk : past, present and future»»»
Silitch, Nicholas C.
An introduction to the history of economic thought in Central Europe2020»»»
Horvath, Julius
Andre Platier. L'economie de guerre. Librairie generale de droit et de jurisprudence 1939, pag. 304 : [recenzie]»»»
Branzescu, Gheorghe
Anthony J. Venables : (1953-)»»»
Ottaviano, Gianmarco Ireo Paolo
Anthropometric history : heights, weights, and economic conditions»»»
Carson, Scott Alan
Greenspan, Alan
Antitrust in an era of radical change»»»
Ways, Max
Anul 1000 : exploratori, negustori si inceputul globalizarii2023»»»
Hansen, Valerie
Ciurica, Matei
Coman, Marian
Apercu sur le revenu de la douane roumaine»»»
Iordachescu, V. Th.
Arhiva pentru stiinta si reforma sociala, No. 3-4 1928 : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Ascensiunea banilor : o istorie financiara a lumii2016»»»
Ferguson, Niall
Neagu, Alfred
Tutunea, Junona
Ascensiunea si decaderea marilor puteri : transformari economice si conflicte militare din 1500 pana in 20002011»»»
Kennedy, Peter E.
Ursu, Laurentiu
Moldovanu, Teodora
Dos, Lucia
Lupu, Ramona
Miroiu, Andrei
Aurul si moneta»»»
Brancovici, E. M.
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