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A country in global economy»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
European Union, Eurozone, Visegrad Group, Intermarium and Three Seas Initiative : comparison of the strength and economic cohesiveness of selected groups of states»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Over one thousand years of Poland's economic history»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Poland's economic development and Central & Eastern Europe in the twentieth century and its global aspects : introduction»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Poland's place in Central & Eastern Europe and in the world in the late 20th century»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Polish People's Republic : 1945-1948»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Polish People's Republic : CMEA, Western Europe, World : 1949-1956»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Polish People's Republic : CMEA, Western Europe, World : 1956-1970»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Polish People's Republic : CMEA, Western Europe, World : 1970-1980»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Polish People's Republic during the fall of communism in Central & Eastern Europe : 1982-1989»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Second Polish Republic in the region, Europe, and the world : World War II»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
The end of the partition period and the World War I : 1900-1914»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Third Polish Republic : 1989-2000»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
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