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A history of Danish advertising, market research, and retailing institutions : 1920-1960»»»
Kloppenborg Madsen, Erik
A history of advertising and sales promotion»»»
Beard, Fred K.
A history of brand identity protection and brand marketing»»»
Petty, Ross D.
A history of modern marketing in China»»»
Gao, Zhihong
Cooperarea economica internationala a Republicii Socialiste Romania1979»»»
Albu, Alexandru D.
History of marketing in India»»»
Sreekumar, Hari
Varman, Rohit
In search of macromarketing history : eighteenth-century England as a case in point»»»
Saphiro, Stanley
In search of the consumer : the history of market research from 1890 to 1960»»»
Schwarzkopf, Stefan
Marketing history in Britain : from the ancient to internet eras»»»
Hawkins, Richard A.
Marketing history in Japan : changes in channel leadership»»»
Toda, Yumiko
Marketing strategic2010»»»
Ristea, Ana-Lucia
Ioan-Franc, Valeriu
More than froth and bubble : marketing in Australia, 1788-1969»»»
Crawford, Robert
Originea, evolutia si perspectivele marketingului international2009»»»
Sasu, Constantin
Pre-Confederation Canadian marketing history»»»
Neilson, Leighann C.
Muise, Delphin A.
Segmentation in practice : an historical overview of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries»»»
Fullerton, Ronald A.
The Routledge companion to marketing history2019»»»
Jones, Donald Gordon Brian
Tadajewski, Mark
The global economy as you've never seen it : [99 ingenious infographics that put it all together]2018»»»
Ramge, Thomas
Schwochow, Jan
Garcia-Landa, Adrian
Green, Jonathan
The history of marketing in Russia»»»
Fox, Karen F.A.
The history of marketing practice»»»
Tadajewski, Mark
Jones, Brian D.G.
The study of British retail history : progress and agenda»»»
Alexander, Andrew
Towards marketing management : German marketing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries»»»
Kohler, Ingo
Logemann, Jan
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