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A Bayesian estimation of a small structural model for the albanian economys.a.»»»
Dushku, Elona
Kota, Vasilika
A guide to econometrics2008»»»
Kennedy, Peter E.
Alternative approaches to the econometrics of panel data»»»
Swamy, P.A.V.B.
Zur Muehlen, Peter von
Mehta, Jatinder S.
Chang, I-Lok
Ilut, Cosmin Liviu
Schneider, Martin
Auctioning incentive contracts»»»
Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Tirole, Jean
Bayesian Methods in microeconometrics2011»»»
Li, Mingliang
Tobias, Justin L.
Bayesian applications in marketing2011»»»
Rossi, Peter
Allenby, Greg
Bayesian aspects of treatment choice2011»»»
Chamberlain, Gary
Bayesian econometric methods2020»»»
Chan, Joshua
Koop, Gary
Poirier, Dale J.
Tobias, Justin L.
Bayesian estimation of panel count data models : dynamics, latent heterogeneity, serial error correlation, and nonparametric structures»»»
Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos
Bayesian graphical inference for economic time series that may have stochastic or deterministic trends2004»»»
Marriott, John
Naylor, John
Tremayne, Andy
Bayesian inference for time series state space models2011»»»
Giordani, Paolo
Pitt, Michael
Kohn, Robert
Bayesian learning»»»
Baley, Isaac
Veldkamp, Laura
Bayesian macroeconometrics2011»»»
Del Negro, Marco
Schorfheide, Frank
Bayesian methods in finance2011»»»
Jacquier, Eric
Polson, Nicholas
Bayesian methods in non-linear time series»»»
Korenok, Oleg
Clasificarea datelor econometrice si modele econometrice liniare/neliniare[2013]»»»
Ciuiu, Daniel
Econometria pentru ... economisti; Econometrie: teorie si aplicatii2003»»»
Pecican, Eugen Stefan
Economics and the theory of games2003»»»
Vega Redondo, Fernando
Efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading»»»
Myerson, Roger B.
Satterthwaite, Mark A.
Ex post information in auctions»»»
Riley, John G.
Exchangeability, representation theorems and subjectivity2011»»»
Poirier, Dale J.
Flexible and nonparametric modeling2011»»»
Griffin, Jim
Quintana, Fernando
Steel, Mark
Forecasting with Bayesian vector autoregressions : five years of experience1986»»»
Litterman, Robert Bruce
General discussion : Implications of a changing economic structure for the implementation of monetary policy»»»
Knight, Malcolm D.
Implications of a changing economic structure for the strategy of monetary policy»»»
Walsh, Carl Eugene
Longworth, David
Knight, Malcolm D.
Incertitudine si portofolii optime2003»»»
Cretu, Alina
Peptan, Elena
Inference on probabilistic surveys in macroeconomics with an application to the evolution of uncertainty in the survey of professional forecasters during the COVID pandemic»»»
Bassetti, Federico
Casarin, Roberto
Del Negro, Marco
Information acquisition in discriminatory auctions»»»
Matthews, Steven
Introduction to simulation and MCMC methods2011»»»
Chib, Siddhartha
Mathematical background of machine learning»»»
Liermann, Volker
Li, Sangmeng
Dobryashkina, Victoria
Operational risk measurement : a literature review»»»
Giannone, Francesco
Palgrave handbook of econometrics2006-2009»»»
Mills, Terence C.
Patterson, Kerry
The Oxford handbook of bayesian econometrics2011»»»
Geweke, John
Koop, Gary
Dijk, Herman Koene van
Utilitate asteptata si rationalitate in economia neoclasica»»»
Ungureanu, Mihai
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