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"Demonetizarea" aurului»»»
Ghibutiu, Aurel
Apreciere globala asupra crizei valutare»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Back to the realities»»»
Fekete, Janos
Comment : "Improving the Bretton Woods System"»»»
Curzon, Gerard
Commentary : Crises : the price of globalization?»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Crashed : how a decade of financial crises changed the world2019»»»
Tooze, Adam
Criza valutara si criza sistemului valutar»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Cum pot atitudinile diferite fata de inflatie sa zadarniceasca visul european»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Cuvantul domnului acad. prof. Iulian Vacarel»»»
Vacarel, Iulian
Das Gold in der internationalen Wahrungsordnung»»»
Gleske, Leonhard
Die Krisis der EWG : (Ein neues Kapitel der Politischen Okonomie)»»»
Salin, Edgar
Die Wahrungskrise 1971 : Politische, okonomische und ideologische Ursachen»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Hankel, Wilhelm
Weizsacker, Carl Christian von
Haberler, Gottfried
Magnifico, Giovanni
Leveque, Jean-Maxime
Schweizer, Samuel
Griffiths, Brian
Neumark, Fritz
Kaldor, Nicholas
Damm, Walter
Barre, Raymond
Domestic cycles, financial cycles and policies : what has gone wrong?»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Euro-Dollar puzzles»»»
Hubner, Kurt
Europa - America - Japan : Partner oder Rivalen?»»»
Damm, Walter
Europaische Integration, Weltwirtschaft und Weltwahrungsordnung»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Europe - Etats Units - Japon : partenaires ou rivaux? : (resume)»»»
Damm, Walter
Evolutia stocului de aur al Bancii Nationale a Romaniei : (1880-2020)2023»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Constantinescu, Maria
Costache, Brindusa Gratiela
Manea, Nadia
Aloman, Adriana
Blejan, Elisabeta
Exchange rates, capital flows and the financial cycle : on the origins of the BIS view»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Exchange risk, developing countries, and SDR's»»»
Helleiner, Gerald K.
Financing U.S. economic growth, 1790-1860 : corporations, markets, and the real economy»»»
Wright, Robert E.
General equilibrium, the international monetary system and the oil price crisis»»»
Balogh, Thomas
Growth and stability : 1961-1971»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
How countries' different attitudes towards inflation can thwart the European dream»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Improving the Bretton Woods System»»»
Aliber, Robert Zelwin
Indebtedness of developing countries : problems and directions to solutions»»»
Ndegva, Duncan N.
Integrarea Romaniei in structurile Uniunii Monetare Europene2008»»»
Tofan, Mihaela
Interdependence, self-reliance and development financing»»»
Kerim, Srdjan
International finance : theory and policy2023»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Karl Brunner and the Konstanz Seminar»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Lionel Robbins Lecture»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Corden, Warner Max
Skidelsky, Robert
Moneda, banci si politici monetare2005»»»
Dardac, Nicolae
Barbu, Teodora
Monetary statecraft in follower states»»»
Pauly, Louis W.
Open economy monetary politics»»»
Thompson, Nicolas
Piata si banii in economia tuturor timpurilor : o alta istorie a monedei si a economiei cu, dar si fara moneda2020»»»
Andrei, Liviu C.
Prospects for the international monetary system in the eighties»»»
Cirovic, Milutin
Referat : reform of Bretton Woods»»»
Kaldor, Nicholas
Reform von Bretton Woods : (ein Entwurf)»»»
Kaldor, Nicholas
Reforming the financing mechanism»»»
Stajner, Rikard
Saudi Arabian monetary authority : why do central banks hold domestic and foreign currency assets?»»»
Al-Humoud, Talal
Sistemul valutar postbelic si etalonul aur-devize»»»
Ionescu, Lucian Constantin
Socio-economical and political costs of the adjustment process to external disequilibrium in LDCs : the need for a new IMF in the 80's»»»
Villarreal, Rene
Structura sistemului valutar si circuitele dolarului»»»
Haseganu, Mihail
Zaharescu, Barbu
Successes and failures of monetary policy since the 1950s2009»»»
Laidler, David Ernest William
The Bretton Woods agreements : a monetary theory perspective»»»
Cesarano, Filippo
The Swiss tax haven, the Bretton Woods system crisis and the globalisation of offshore finance»»»
Farquet, Christophe
The aftermath of August 15th, 1971»»»
Richebacher, Kurt
The causes of world wide inflation and the effects on developing countries»»»
Kaldor, Nicholas
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