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"Anti-Blanchard" : a comparative technique for macroeconomics»»»
Brancacio, Emiliano
Suppa, Domenico
"Buying Heaven" : the prospects of commercialized salvation in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries»»»
Hamm, Berndt
"Consolidarea circulatiei monetare in U.R.S.S. si inflatia in tarile capitaliste " de I. A. Cronrod»»»
Anghel, E.
Brudaru, Petre
- Descriere: An 5, nr. 12, Dec 1952, p. 174-184
- ISBN: -
"Demonetizarea" aurului»»»
Ghibutiu, Aurel
"Managementul" monetar : leul in tranzitie»»»
Glavan, Bogdan
"Maybe the Fund needs something else". Per Jacobsson, from the Bank for International Settlements to the International Monetary Fund, 1931-1963»»»
Clement, Piet
- Descriere: p. 67-94
- ISBN: -
"Mothers and children" : discourses on paper money during the Song period»»»
Vogel, Hans-Ulrich
"O opera profesionala" de Gh. Christodorescu : [recenzie]»»»
Susnea, Gh. T.
"One money for an Empire" : achievements and limitations of Byzantium's currency from Constantine the Great to the Fall of Constantinople»»»
Morrisson, Cecile
"Special drawing rights" at a crossroads : growing role or atrophy»»»
Stojiljkovic, Miodrag
'Distribution and economic progress' after seventy years2008»»»
Solow, Robert M.
... Charting monetary policy»»»
Bockelmann, Horst
1. Lege pregatitoare a stabilizarii monetare. 2. Lege de autorizare pentru emiterea unui imprumut pentru stabilizarea monetara si inzestrarea economica a tarii. 3. Lege pentru ratificarea Conventiunii incheiata la Londra cu J. Henry Schroder si Co., la 4 iulie 1928, pentru regularea serviciului titlurilor de renta 4 1/2 % 1913 cari au fost inscrise la Bursa din Londra. 4. Lege pentru ratificarea Acordului (Conventiunii) incheiat cu Guvernul Francez pentru regularea datoriei de rasboi a Romaniei catre Franta1928»»»
10 ani de la lansarea euro : prefacerile si viitorul monedei in contextul crizei mondiale2010»»»
Voinea, Gheorghe M.
Roman, Angela
Chirlesan, Dan
10 ani de politica monetara unica2010»»»
100 de ani de la incheierea unificarii monetare = 100 years since the accomplishment of monetary unification = 100 ans depuis la realisation de l'unification monetaire2021»»»
Manea, Nadia
130 de ani de la crearea sistemului monetar romanesc modern1997»»»
14 ani de evolutii monetare2003»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
140 de ani de la infiintarea Monetariei Statului = The 140th anniversary of the State Mint = 140 annees depuis la creation de la Monnaie de l'Etat2010»»»
Ciornei, Cristian
145 de ani de la infiintarea Monetariei Statului = 145 years since the establishment of the State Mint = 145 ans depuis la creation de la Monnaie de l'Etat2015»»»
Dima, Mihai
21st century monetary policy : the Federal Reserve from the great inflation to COVID-192022»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
75e anniversaire : Banque Nationale Suisse : les annees 1957 a 19821982»»»
A Bretton Woods that never was : Richard Roberts recalls the last official effort to create a coherent design for an international monetary system»»»
Roberts, Richard
A VAR description of the effects of monetary policy in the individual countries of the euro area2003»»»
Mojon, Benoit
Peersman, Gert
A brave new world»»»
A brave new world? : the future of banking in emerging Europe : rethinking size, structure, ownership, policies and incentives : Conference co-organized by the Bank of Albania and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), October 11th, 2019 = Nje bote e re e guximshme? : e ardhmja e bankingut ne vendet evropiane ne zhvillim : rikonceptimi i permases, struktures, pronesise, politikave dhe incentivave te tij : Konferenca Vjetore e Bankes se Shqiperise, organizuar ne bashkepunim [...]2019»»»
Sejko, Gent
A bridge too far»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
A brief history of the Romanian leu : [pliant]2015»»»
A brief overview of financial accounts and balance sheets»»»
Fano, Daniele
A central bank's dilemmas in highly uncertain times : a Romanian view»»»
Daianu, Daniel
A century of monetary reform in South-East Europe : from political autonomy to the gold standard, 1815-1910»»»
Morys, Matthias
A changing environment : implications for our economies and for the financial system»»»
Nessen, Marianne
A comparison of some basic monetary policy regimes for open economies : implications of different degrees of instrument adjustment and wage persistence»»»
Henderson, Dale W.
McKibbin, Warwick J.
- Descriere: p. 213-309
- ISBN: -
A conceptual framework for reforms versus debt in the context of a fiscal union within the European Monetary Union»»»
Ioannides, Yannis M.
- Descriere: p. 153-171
- ISBN: -
A contemporary concept of monetary sovereignty2013»»»
Zimmermann, Claus D.
A decade of transition2001»»»
Havrylyshyn, Oleh
Nsouli, Saleh M.
A decade of transition : achievements and challenges2001»»»
Havrylyshyn, Oleh
Nsouli, Saleh M.
A discussion of public sector accounts1991»»»
Levin, Jonathan
Tongeren, Jan van
Newson, Brian
Blades, Derek
A few thoughts on the global situation : policymakers around the world must act to restore order to the global economy says Jacques de Larosiere»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
A financial and politically symbolic tool»»»
Roy, Joaquin
A flexible generalization of the CES functional form, with applications to monetary data and a test for separability»»»
Conlon, John R.
Dorsey, Robert E.
Womer, Norman K.
- Descriere: p. 43-60
- ISBN: -
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 1 - Volume 22014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 1 Money, credit and sectoral balance sheets2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 2 Macroeconomic imbalances and risks to financial stability2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A further look at the treatment of insurance in a system of national accounts1991»»»
Vanoli, Andre
A general disequilibrium model of income and employment1971»»»
Barro, Robert Joseph
Grossman, Herschel Ivan
A general equilibrium approach to monetary theory1969»»»
Tobin, James
A global history of money2021»»»
Kuroda, Akinobu
A great deal of ruin : financial crises since 19292019»»»
Gerber, James
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