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Fiscal dominance, the long-term interest rate and central banks2011»»»
Turner, Philip
Lessons learned from outsourcing at Norges Bank : can a central bank outsource IT services that are systemically important ? Semming Austin recounts the approach taken by Norges Bank»»»
Austin, Semming
- Descriere: volume 15, number 3, February 2005, p. 93-100
- ISBN: -
Long term perspectives on central banking2011»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Looking forward from the crisis of 2007-20082011»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Making use of the central bank2011»»»
Gjedrem, Svein
Norges Bank : 1816-2016 : a history of a small independent central bank»»»
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Klovland, Jan Tore
- Descriere: p. 265-297
- ISBN: -
Norges Banks historie : Forste delMCMXVIII [1918]»»»
Rygg, N.
Outsourcing IT at Norges Bank2009»»»
Austin, Semming
Role of central banks in emerging economies2011»»»
Akhtar Aziz, Zeti
What is a useful central bank?2011»»»
Ingves, Stefan
What is a useful central bank? : proceedings from Norges Bank's symposium 17-18 November 20102011»»»
Berg, Sigbjorn Alte
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik
Ryel, Marius
What is a useful central bank? Lessons from the interwar years2011»»»
Toniolo, Gianni
What is useful central bank?2011»»»
Hildebrand, Philipp M.
Where do central banks go from here?2011»»»
Fisher, Stanley
Where do central banks go from here?2011»»»
Svensson, Lars Erik Oscar
Who manages the risk in the Norges Bank? : Harald Bohn, executive director of the Norges Bank, explains why centralising risk management does not promote clear reporting lines and can lead to an inaccurate picture of total risk»»»
Bohn, Harald
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