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A history of personnel selection and assessment»»»
Vinchur, Andrew J.
Koppes Bryan, Laura L.
Adaptive performance and trainability as criteria in selection research»»»
Pulakos, Elaine D.
Mueller-Hanson, Rose A.
Nelson, Johnathan K.
Applicant reactions to testing and selection»»»
Gilliland, Stephen W.
Steiner, Dirk D.
Background data : use of experiential knowledge in personnel selection»»»
Mumford, Michael D.
Barrett, Jamie D.
Hester, Kimberly S.
Cognitive abilities»»»
Ones, Deniz S.
Dilchert, Stephan
Viswesvaran, Chockalingam
Conceptual outline of the handbook of assessment and selection»»»
Schmitt, Neal
Contingent workers : who are they and how can we select them for success?»»»
Bauer, Talya N.
Truxillo, Donald M.
Mansfield, Layla R.
Erdogan, Berrin
Individual psychological assessment»»»
McPhail, S. Morton
Jeanneret, P. Richard
Moasa, Horia
Job analysis for knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics, predictor measures, and performance outcomes»»»
Brannick, Michael T.
Cadle, Adrienne
Levine, Edward L.
Legal constraints on personnel selection decisions»»»
Gutman, Arthur
Managementul resursei umane : teorii in practica profesionala2021»»»
Buzea, Carmen
Moasa, Horia
Meta-analysis as a validity summary tool»»»
Banks, George C.
McDaniel, Michael A.
Multilevel selection and the paradox of sustained competitive advantage»»»
Ployhart, Robert E.
Nature and use of personality in selection»»»
Barrick, Murray R.
Mount, Michael K.
O analiza asupra conceptului de "inteligenta emotionala" in procesul de recrutare si selectiei»»»
Sandi, Ioana-Alexandra
Occupational safety»»»
Wallace, Craig J.
Paul, Jeffrey B.
Landis, Ronald S.
Vodanovich, Stephen J.
Organizational strategy and staffing»»»
Hausknecht, John P.
Wright, Patrick M.
Person-environment fit in the selection process»»»
Ostroff, Cheri
Zhan, Yujie
Personnel selection across the globe»»»
Steiner, Dirk D.
Predictive bias in work and educational settings»»»
Kuncel, Nathan R.
Klieger, David M.
Razboiul pentru talent : strategii de recrutare si selectie in organizatii»»»
Botea, Valentina-Liliana
Rolul resurselor umane in organizatii : 11 perspective ale generatiei Y2021»»»
Briscariu, Roxana
Selectia personalului»»»
Paun, Ana-Maria
Bastiurea, Ana
Selection out : how firms choose workers to lay off»»»
Feldman, Daniel C.
Ng, Thomas W. H.
Self-reports for employee selection»»»
Spector, Paul E.
Team selection»»»
Morgeson, Frederick P.
Humphrey, Stephen E.
Reeder, Matthew C.
The assessment of physical capabilities in the workplace»»»
Baker, Todd A.
Gebhardt, Deborah L.
The concept of validity and the process of validation»»»
Sackett, Paul R.
Putka, Dan J.
McCloy, Rodney A.
The life cycle of successful selection programs»»»
Kehoe, Jerard
Brown, Steven
Hoffman, Calvin C.
The selection interview from the interviewer and applicant perspectives : can't have one without the other»»»
Dipboye, Robert L.
Macan, Therese
Shahani-Denning, Comila
The social and organizational context of personnel selection»»»
Ployhart, Robert E.
Schneider, Benjamin
Theoretical and practical issues : research needs»»»
Schmitt, Neal
Ott-Holland, Catherine
Time in personnel selection»»»
Beier, Margaret E.
Ackerman, Philip L.
Using composite predictors in personnel selection»»»
Hattrup, Kate
Web-based assessments»»»
Scott, John C.
Lezotte, Daniel V.
Workplace diversity»»»
Ryan, Ann Marie
Powers, Charlotte
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