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Alternative strategies for resolving the European debt crisis1912»»»
Cline, William R.
Comments on policy strategies1912»»»
Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude
de Rato, Rodrigo
Does the euro have a future?1912»»»
Soros, George
France, the state, and globalization1912»»»
Laidi, Zaki
Greece in the euro area : odd man out, or precursor of things to come1912»»»
Tsoukalis, Loukas
How to do a sovereign debt restructuring in the euro area : lessons from emerging-market debt crisis1912»»»
Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
Italy and the euro crisis1912»»»
Perissich, Riccardo
Political-economic context in Ireland1912»»»
Ahearne, Alan
Resolving the European debt crisis2012»»»
Cline, William R.
Wolff, Guntram
Sovereign debt restructuring : the legal context1912»»»
Buchheit, Lee C.
Sovereign debt restructuting : the legal context1912»»»
Buchheit, Lee C.
Spain and the euro area sovereign debt crisis1912»»»
de la Dehesa, Guillermo
The euro area crisis : policy options ahead1912»»»
Wolff, Guntram
The political economy of Germany in the sovereign debt crisis1912»»»
Schwarzer, Daniela
The right balance for banks : theory and evidence on optimal capital requirements2017»»»
Cline, William R.
The simulation exercise : a real time economic and political stress test1912»»»
Weisman, Steven R.
Merler, Silvia B.
Understanding Portugal in the context of the euro crisis1912»»»
Lourtie, Pedro
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