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Booms and busts : the case of subprime mortgages»»»
Gramlich, Edward M.
Cea mai mare afacere din toate timpurile : cum a pariat John Paulson impotriva pietelor si a facut 20 de miliarde de dolari2019»»»
Zuckerman, Gregory
Georgescu, Dana
David F. Hendry : (1944-)»»»
Ericsson, Neil R.
Financial markets and institutions2003»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Eakins, Stanley G.
Housing is the business cycle»»»
Leamer, Edward E.
Smets, Frank
Housing, credit and consumer expenditure»»»
Muellbauer, John N. J.
Ludvigson, Sydney
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Overview and concluding remarks»»»
Feldstein, Martin
Precizarea notiunilor uzuale si a definitiunilor interesand technica finantarii in general : sistemul stiintific al finantarii germane»»»
Bungetianu, Constantin
The financialization of real estate»»»
Aalbers, Manuel B.
Fernandez, Rodrigo
Wijburg, Gertjan
The housing finance revolution»»»
Green, Richard K.
Wachter, Susan M.
White, William R.
The international banking system : capital adequacy, core businesses and risk management2013»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
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