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A short way to macroeconomics core2017»»»
Caraman-Hudea, Oana Simona
Abordari in economia riscului si incertitudinii2006»»»
Doltu, Theodora
After the 2007-2008 crisis: challenges for Europe2009»»»
Naert, Fernand
An overview of the evolution of present financial crisis2009»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
Analiza macroeconomica2002»»»
Bacescu-Carbunaru, Angelica
Analyzing monetary policy : stock prices and exchange rate2007»»»
Ivrendi, Mehmet
Appendix : The Italian payments crisis of 1963-64»»»
De Cecco, Marcello
Aspect general de la situation economique. Marche monetaire. La chambre de compensation de Bucarest. Le service de virements. L'Office central pour la controle des operations des devises. Les principales Banques de Roumanie. Les banques populaires. Les caisses d'epargne. Les finances publiques. Les societes par actions en Roumaine. La dette publique de la Roumanie. La production agricole de la Roumanie. Le commmerce exterieur de la Roumanie : [Roumanie]»»»
Assise pour les etudes et techniques monetaires1965»»»
Divisia, F.
Banci, burse si profit pe piata financiara : (institutii si fonduri financiare)2007»»»
Ungureanu, Pavel V.
Bancnotele emise de Banca Generala Romana si inflatiunea monetara»»»
Stoicescu, Costin St.
Bani si credit. Banii. Teoriile monetare. Administrarea banilor si politica monetara2003»»»
Stoica, Victor
Deaconu, Petre
Banii, activitatea bancara si economia1993»»»
Mayer, Thomas
Duesenberry, James S.
Aliber, Robert Zelwin
Banking crises and the rules of the game2011»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Banking sector restructuring during crisis2009»»»
Akcakoca, Engin
Somary, Felix
Somary, Felix
Behind the money market : clearing and settling money market instruments»»»
Mengle, David L.
Beitrage zur Geldtheorie1933»»»
Fanno, Marco
Holtrop, Marius W.
Koopmans, Johan G.
Myrdal, Gunnar
Wicksell, Knut
Booms and busts : the case of subprime mortgages»»»
Gramlich, Edward M.
Building the financial foundations of the euro : experiences and challenges2008»»»
Jonung, Lars
Walkner, Christoph
Watson, Max
Bulgarian banking system and BNB's antu-cyclical policy2009»»»
Angelova, Margarita
CDS spreads implications on romanian financial sector and real economy2009»»»
Mihai, Irina
Capital, the money market, and gold[1929]»»»
Edie, Lionel D.
Central banks at a crossroads : what can we learn from history?2016»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Flandreau, Marc
Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik
Challenges from the domestic financial markets' characteristics2009»»»
Petrauskas, Darius
Challenges from the domestic financial markets' characteristics - case study of Romania2009»»»
Lovin, Horatiu
Challenges fromsmall and fragmented domestic financial markets2009»»»
Zakulis, Elmars
Challenges of the global financial crisis to european emerging economies2009»»»
Orhan, Elsida
Changes expected in the structure of the banking sector (assets and liabilities sides)2009»»»
Dilparic, Ivana
Changes in the banking sector of Ukraine2009»»»
Danilenko, Andriy
Cibernetica economiilor monetare si deschise2005»»»
Scarlat, Emil
Ciclurile economice in Romania inainte de razboi1930»»»
Iordan, Dimitrie N.
Commentary : Monetary policy and the control of inflation»»»
Feldstein, Martin
Kudlow, Lawrence A.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Rich, Georg
Thygesen, Niels
Comments on the impact of the financial crisis on the romanian banking system's financial position as of 30 June 20092009»»»
Balauta, Florin
Comments on: institutional and oprational framework towards forward looking regime2009»»»
Sokoler, Meir
Commercial paper»»»
Hahn, Thomas K.
Comunicarea financiara2003»»»
Bran, Paul V.
Costica, Ionela
Concepte, forme si modalitati de participatii si investitii financiare in economia romaneasca2006»»»
Pop, Iustin Atanasiu
Conclusions : is there a future for the Euro in the global economy?»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Roy, Joaquin
Congres monetaire international : tenu a Paris, les 11, 12, 13 et 14 spetembre 1889 : compte rendu in extenso et documents1890»»»
Consequences economiques de la stabilisation belge1928»»»
Longeaux, J. de
Continutul actual al pietei monetare»»»
Tanase, Gabriel Cristian
- Descriere: p. 93-102
- ISBN: -
Piata monetara
Cooperation of central banks of developing countries in promoting economic development financing»»»
Haddad, Adeeb
Credit et banque1945»»»
Baudhuin, Fernand
Credit et banque : economie et legislation comparees1962»»»
Baudhuin, Fernand
Cunoaste Romania Centenara2018»»»
Vacarel, Iulian
Anghelache, Constantin
Currency and competitiveness in Europe2008»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
Christl, Josef
Mooslechner, Peter
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Currency competition and foreign exchange markets : the Dollar, the Yen and the Euro2007»»»
Hartmann, Philipp
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic : a new approach»»»
Komarek, Valtr
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