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A farewell to alms : a brief economic history of the world2007»»»
Clark, Gregory
A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-20212022»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
A monetary history of the United States : 1867-19601963»»»
Friedman, Milton
Jacobson Schwartz, Anna
Asset price dynamics, volatility and prediction2005»»»
Taylor, Stephen J.
Austerity : when it works and when it doesn't2019»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
Giavazzi, Francesco
Balancing the banks : global lessons from the financial crisis[2015]»»»
Dewatripont, Mathias
Rochet, Jean-Charles
Tirole, Jean
Tribe, Keith
Bankers and bolsheviks : international finance and the Russian Revolution2018»»»
Malik, Hassan
Banking on the future : the fall and rise of central banking2010»»»
Davies, Howard
Green, David
Business cycles : durations, dynamics, and forecasting1999»»»
Diebold, Francis X.
Rudebusch, Glenn D.
Capitalism without capital : the rise of the intangible economy2018»»»
Haskel, Jonathan
Westlake, Stian
Competition and stability in banking : the role of regulation and competition policy2016»»»
Vives, Xavier
Computational economics2006»»»
Kendrick, David A.
Mercado, P. Ruben
Amman, Hans M.
Credit risk : pricing, measurement, and management2003»»»
Duffie, Darrell
Singleton, Kenneth J.
Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt1944»»»
West, Louis C.
Johnson, Allan Chester
Dark commerce : how a new illicit economy is threatening our future2018»»»
Shelley, Louise I.
Democracy and prosperity : reinventing capitalism through a turbulent century2019»»»
Iversen, Torben
Soskice, David
Development macroeconomics1999»»»
Agenor, Pierre-Richard
Montiel, Peter J.
Econometric modeling : a likelihood approach2007»»»
Hendry, David Forbes
Nielsen, Bent
Hayashi, Fumio
Economic forecasting2016»»»
Elliott, Graham
Timmermann, Allan
Economic modeling and inference2009»»»
Christensen, Bent Jesper
Kiefer, Nicholas M.
Essays on the Great Depression2000»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Exchange-rate dynamics2011»»»
Evans, Martin D. D.
Financial crises, liquidity and the international monetary system[2015]»»»
Tirole, Jean
Fragile by design : the political origins of banking crises and scarce credit2014»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Haber, Stephen H.
GDP : a brief but affectionate history2014»»»
Coyle, Diane
Gatekeepers of growth : the international political economy of central banking in developing countries1997»»»
Maxfield, Sylvia
Globalizing capital : a history of the international monetary system1998»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Golden avalanche1939»»»
Graham, Frank D.
Whittlesey, Charles R.
High prices and deflation1920»»»
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter
Vanderlip, Frank A.
How global currencies work : past, present, and future2018»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Mehl, Arnaud
Chitu, Livia
Income distribution in macroeconomic models2006»»»
Bertola, Giuseppe
Foellmi, Reto
Zweimuller, Josef
Inflation targeting : lessons from the international experiences1999»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Laubach, Thomas
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Posen, Adam S.
Interest and prices : foundations of a theory of monetary policy2003»»»
Woodford, Michael
International macroeconomics : a modern approach2022»»»
Schmitt-Grohe, Stephanie
Uribe, Martin
Woodford, Michael
Irrational exuberance2016»»»
Shiller, Robert J.
Learning and expectations in macroeconomics2001»»»
Evans, George W.
Honkapohja, Seppo
Methods for applied macroeconomic research2007»»»
Canova, Fabio
Monetary experiments : early American and recent Scandinavian1939»»»
Lester, Richard A.
Monetary policy, inflation and the business cycle : an introduction to the new keynesian framework2008»»»
Gali, Jordi
Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle : an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications2015»»»
Gali, Jordi
Money changes everything : how finance made civilization possible2016»»»
Goetzmann, William N.
Money on the move : the revolution in international finance since 19801999»»»
Solomon, Robert
Mostly harmless econometrics : an empiricist's companion2009»»»
Angrist, Joshua D.
Pischke, Jorn-Steffen
Nonparametric econometrics : theory and practice2007»»»
Li, Qi
Racine, Jeffrey Scott
Not working : where have all the good jobs gone?2019»»»
Blanchflower, David G.
Political economy in macroeconomics2000»»»
Drazen, Allan
Quantitative risk management : concepts, techniques and tools2015»»»
McNeil, Alexander J.
Frey, Rudiger
Embrechts, Paul
Quantitative risk management : concepts, techniques and tools2005»»»
McNeil, Alexander J.
Frey, Rudiger
Embrechts, Paul
Rational expectations and inflation2013»»»
Sargent, Thomas John
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