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Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
A brave new world? : the future of banking in emerging Europe : rethinking size, structure, ownership, policies and incentives : Conference co-organized by the Bank of Albania and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), October 11th, 2019 = Nje bote e re e guximshme? : e ardhmja e bankingut ne vendet evropiane ne zhvillim : rikonceptimi i permases, struktures, pronesise, politikave dhe incentivave te tij : Konferenca Vjetore e Bankes se Shqiperise, organizuar ne bashkepunim [...]2019»»»
Sejko, Gent
Aligning monetary policy with financial stability in South East Europe : objectives, responses and interaction in times of uncertainty = Harmonizimi i politikes monetare me stabilitetin financiar : objektivat, pergjigjet dhe nderveprimi mes tyre ne periudha pasigurie[2017]»»»
Anastasakis, Othon
Bennett, Adam
Enoch, Charles
Sejko, Gent
Closing panel with the governor's roundtable : what are the main challenges for small economies in this "new normal"?»»»
Reis, Ricardo
Gudmundsson, Mar
Havolli, Sokol
Sejko, Gent
Softic, Senad
Svaljek, Sandra
Governor's panel : financial markets, financial inclusion and their important role for future developments in macroeconomic and financial stability»»»
Bastian, Jens
Sejko, Gent
Colakovic, Belma
Mehmeti, Fehmi
Zugic, Radoje
Krstevska, Aneta
- Descriere: p. 159-199
- ISBN: -
Governors' panel : providing the central banks’ point of view and experience»»»
Enoch, Charles
Beermann, Johannes
Bogov, Dimitar
Fabris, Nikola
Faulend, Michael
Hamza, Bedri
Mourmouras, John
Sejko, Gent
- Descriere: p. 127-164
- ISBN: -
Monetary policy, economic integration and the "new normal" = Politika Monetare, integrimi Ekonomik dhe "Normaliteti i Ri"2018»»»
Sejko, Gent
The governor's panel : Financial sector for growth and stability»»»
Nagy-Mohacsi, Piroska
Berglof, Erik
Blejer, Mario I.
Hansson, Ardo H.
Raspudic, Zelimira
Sejko, Gent
Sologub, Dmytro
Welcome address»»»
Sejko, Gent
- Descriere: p. 9-15
- ISBN: -
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