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A shorud of secrecy : a new survey by Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke suggests that wile central banks pay lip service to transparency many of them do not practice it»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
How Bulgaria is destroying its "currency board" : a transfer of government funds threatens Bulgaria's monetary framework argue Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
Iraq's botched currency reform : prescriptions by official sector institutions for Iraq ignore political realities and their own findings argue Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
Iraq's central bank : in search of a raison d'etre : Iraq's underdeveloped financial markets make it impossible for the central bank to fulfil its mandate argue Matt Sekerke and Steve H. Hanke»»»
Sekerke, Matt
Hanke, Steve H.
- Descriere: volume 15, number 3, February 2005, p. 66-71
- ISBN: -
St Helena's forgotten currency board : St Helena's small but perfectly formed currency board provides an example to the rest of the world, argue Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
Towards a better SDDS : the IMF's SDDS is a good idea, but poorly executed argue Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke : the authors suggest an alternative accounting standard for central banks»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
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