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A global guide to FinTech and future payment trends2019»»»
Goldfinch, Peter
A strategic approach to payment system reform2002»»»
Tromp, Philip J.
A survey of central bank payment systems experts2002»»»
Robinson, Matthew
Activitatea Asociatiei Generale a Economistilor din Romania»»»
Actualitatea in activitatea juridica bancara = Actuality in the legal banking activity2011»»»
Chelariu, Isabelle
Toader, Flavia
Adapting to a changing payments landscape»»»
Regnard-Weinrabe, Ben
Finlayson-Brown, Jane
Banca Nationala a Romaniei, banca centrala a tarii2007»»»
Beju, Daniela-Georgeta
Banca Rezervelor Sud-Africane: o evaluare a originii, evolutiei si statutului unei banci centrale2009»»»
de Jager, Johann
Banca centrala si sistemele de plati de interes national1998»»»
Savoiu, Vasile
Banci, sisteme de plati, riscuri1999»»»
Diaconescu, Mariana
Banking on innovation : modernisation of payment systems2009»»»
Khiaonarong, Tanai
Liebenau, Jonathan
Blue Book : payment systems in countries that have applied for membership of the European Union1999»»»
CBDC in the broad context of national payments system development»»»
Cirasino, Massimo
CBDCs : the (near?) future of a cashless economy»»»
Bilotta, Nicola
Botti, Fabrizio
Can central banking survive the IT revolution?2002»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Cecuri si virimente postale in Romania. Vasile D. Secara. Cartea Romaneasca, 1937, pag. 40 : [recenzie]»»»
Branzescu, Gheorghe
Central bank digital currencies and law»»»
Schwarcz, Steven L.
Central bank digital currency and the future financial system»»»
Ali, Robleh
Central banks and the payment system2010»»»
Humphrey, David B.
Cloudmoney : cash, cards, crypto and the war for our wallets2022»»»
Scott, Brett
Commercial bank financial management : in the financial-services industry2002»»»
Sinkey, Joseph F., Jr.
Compensarile inter-intreprinderi ca modalitate de stingere a datoriilor si creantelor reciproce1999»»»
Dornescu, Valeriu
Compliance with the core principles for systemically important payment systems and the role of th IMF2002»»»
Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Conectarea Romaniei la arhitectura financiara europeana si internationala prin sistemele de plati2009»»»
Francu, Marin
Conference in memory of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Rome, 16 December 20112014»»»
Conference in memory of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Rome, 16 December 2011»»»
Conference in memory of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Rome, 16 December 2011 Proceedings2014»»»
Catte, Pietro
Fenu, Carlo Maria
Nicoletti-Altimari, Sergio
Contabilitatea institutiilor de credit : concepte si bune practici = Accounting for credit institutions : concepts and best practices2023»»»
Dascalu, Cornelia
Opris, Madalina Elena
Contagion and effiency in gross and net interbank payment systems2004»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Parigi, Bruno M.
Contributii teoretice si practice in domeniul politicilor monetare si bancare. [Vol.] 12009»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Cum se platesc impozitele noui1921»»»
Madgearu, Virgil N.
Danmarks Nationalbank : 1818-20182018»»»
Abildgren, Kim
Developments in payment systems1994»»»
Patrikis, Ernest T.
Dezvoltarea platilor fara numerar si contributii la cresterea eficientei acestota in R.S.R. : teza de doctorat1973»»»
Toma, Dimitrie
Modoran, Vasile
E-money and payment systems review2002»»»
Pringle, Robert
Robinson, Matthew
E-money regulation in the EU2002»»»
Krueger, Malte
EU payment integration : the tale of SEPA, PSD and other milestones along the road2010»»»
Wandhofer, Ruth
Economie politica2012»»»
Brailean, Tiberiu A.
Plopeanu, Aurelian Petrus
Effective government accounting1995»»»
Premchand, A.
European financial markets and institutions2009»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Oosterloo, Sander
Schoenmaker, Dirk
Evolution of central banking? : De Nederlandsche Bank : 1814-18522015»»»
Uittenbogaard, Roland
FinTech revolution : universal inclusion in the new financial ecosystem2018»»»
Blakstad, Sofie
Allen, Robert
Finance and financial intermediation : a modern treatment of money, credit, and banking2019»»»
Cole, Harold Linh
Financial crises, payment system problems, and discount window lending2001»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Financial markets and exchanges law2007»»»
Blair, Michael C.
Walker, George Alexander
Financial markets and institutions : a European perspective2020»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Schoenmaker, Dirk
Wierts, Peter J.
Financial markets evolution : from the classical model to the ecosystem : challengers, risks and new features2021»»»
Panova, Galina
Finante : finante publice, finantele intreprinderii, moneda, credit2000»»»
Ciotei, Constantin N.
Framing macroeconomic policy in EMU and the international financial architecture1999»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
Handbook of world exchange rates, 1590-19142010»»»
Denzel, Markus A.
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