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"Too big to fail" and the market turmoil of 2007 and 20082009»»»
Stern, Gary H.
Feldman, Ron J.
21st century monetary policy : the Federal Reserve from the great inflation to COVID-192022»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
A brave new world»»»
A brief overview of financial accounts and balance sheets»»»
Fano, Daniele
A central bank's dilemmas in highly uncertain times : a Romanian view»»»
Daianu, Daniel
A complex system perspective on macroprudential regulation»»»
Thurner, Stefan
A feast of books on the crisis : Robert Pringle and Hugh Sanderman review the first wave of books on the current global financial crisis»»»
Pringle, Robert
Sanderman, Hugh
A history of global capitalism : feuding elites and imperial expansion2020»»»
Bhattacharyya, Sambit
A liquidity-based approach to macroprudential policy»»»
Landau, Jean-Pierre
A long term perspective on the euro»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
James, Harold
A longer-term view of enhanced financial stability»»»
Severino, Jean-Michel
A macroeconomic credit risk model for stress-testing the Romanian corporate credit portofolio»»»
Tanase, Maria
A model of financial fragility2012»»»
James, Kevin R.
A model to analyse financial fragility2012»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Zicchino, Lea
A model to analyse financial fragility2012»»»
Sunirand, Pojanart
A model to analyse financial fragility : applications2012»»»
Sunirand, Pojanart
A risk assessment model for banks2012»»»
Sunirand, Pojanart
A technical toolkit to monitor a pandemic outbreak from a central bank perspective»»»
Alupoaiei, Alexie
Balint, Csaba
Kubinschi, Matei
A time series analysis of financial fragility in the UK banking system2012»»»
Sunirand, Pojanart
A toolkit for financial stability : monetary union does not insulate against financial crises, says Max Watson : accession countries must continue to watch - and report - imbalances in the economy»»»
Watson, Maxwell
Accounting for amplification mechanism in bank stress test models at the Bank of Canada»»»
Halaj, Grzegorz
Traclet, Virginie
Accounting principles and business reality»»»
Edey, Harold C.
Activist fiscal policy to stabilize economic activity»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Gale, William
Hubbard, R. Glenn
Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus
Actualitatea in activitatea juridica bancara = Actuality in the legal banking activity2011»»»
Chelariu, Isabelle
Toader, Flavia
Adaptarea Romaniei la cerintele reformei supervizarii sistemului financiar din Uniunea Europeana»»»
Francu, Marin
Adapting to a changing payments landscape»»»
Regnard-Weinrabe, Ben
Finlayson-Brown, Jane
Adjustments in the balance sheets : is it normal, this "new normal"?»»»
Voinea, Liviu
Alupoaiei, Alexie
Dragu, Florin
Neagu, Florian
After Eddie...: with the euro on the horizon, the choice of the next governor at the Bank will be crucial : William Keegan surveys the field»»»
Keegan, William
Ageing and financial stability2010»»»
Davis, E. Philip
Ageing and international capital flows2010»»»
Borsch-Supan, Axel
Ludwig, Alexander
Winter, Joachim
Ageing and saving in Europe2010»»»
Brugiavini, Agar
Ageing as a challenge for economic policy2010»»»
Ageing, financial markets and monetary policy2010»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Herrmann, Heinz
Agency problems and goal conflicts in achieving financial stability : the case of the EMU2007»»»
Eisenbeis, Robert A.
Aligning monetary policy with financial stability in South East Europe : objectives, responses and interaction in times of uncertainty = Harmonizimi i politikes monetare me stabilitetin financiar : objektivat, pergjigjet dhe nderveprimi mes tyre ne periudha pasigurie[2017]»»»
Anastasakis, Othon
Bennett, Adam
Enoch, Charles
Sejko, Gent
Allocating special drawing rights to increase international financial stability»»»
Buira, Ariel
Almost concluding thoughts between a comparative analysis and a sensitivity analysis : look over the regulatory view»»»
Leone, Paola
Matarazzo, Vitantonio
Porretta, Pasqualina
Vellella, Mario
Alternative approaches to regulation and corporate governance in financial firms2002»»»
Llewellyn, David T.
An assessment of chile's monetary and fiscal policy responses to the global crisis2013»»»
Soto, Claudio
An equilibrium approach to financial stability analysis : the Colombian case2012»»»
Saade, Agustin
Osorio, Daniel
Estrada, Dairo
An estimated DSGE model with financial and employment frictions for the Romanian economy»»»
Mititelu, Bogdan
An exploration of the evolution of risk : past, present and future»»»
Silitch, Nicholas C.
An historical perspective on the crisis2009»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
An overview of the issues and the book»»»
Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun
Helble, Matthias
Yoshino, Naoyuki
An uncertain future»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Analiza macroprudentiala : cadru de evaluare a riscului sistemic : provocari pentru politica monetara in conditiile unor riscuri ridicate la adresa stabilitatii financiare2009»»»
Udrea, Andreea-Mihaela
Analiza macroprudentiala : cadru de evaluare a riscului sistemic : provocari pentru politica monetara in conditiile unor riscuri ridicate la adresa stabilitatii financiare2009»»»
Popov, Igor
Vlad, Florea
Analiza pozitiei financiare»»»
Petcu, Monica Aureliana
Sobolevschi-David, Maria Iulia
Curea, Stefania Cristina
Oancea-Negrescu, Mihaela Daniela
Analysis of financial stability2010»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Tsomocos, Dimitrios P.
Analysis of financial stability2012»»»
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