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"O opera profesionala" de Gh. Christodorescu : [recenzie]»»»
Susnea, Gh. T.
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 1 - Volume 22014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 1 Money, credit and sectoral balance sheets2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 2 Macroeconomic imbalances and risks to financial stability2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A taxonomy of post-communist economies after 30 years of reforms»»»
Kazakevitch, Gennadi
A world out of balance : America's deficits may not herald disaster says Angel Ubide, but should lead to questioning national monetary policy frameworks»»»
Ubide, Angel
Aceleasi reguli, alte vremuri : dincolo de litera criteriilor de la Maastricht»»»
Salater, Wilhelm
Achieving price stability : a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 29-31, 19961996»»»
Activitatea Asociatiei Generale a Economistilor din Romania»»»
An uncertain future»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Argentina : the story so far...: in this three-part feature on Argentina we present two contrasting views - from Stephany Griffith-Jones and Steve Hanke : first, staff writer Benedict Mander sets the scene»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Hanke, Steve H.
Mander, Benedict
Bancile centrale in tranzitie : [textul prelegerii "Per Jacobbson" sustinute de profesorul Alexandre Lamfalussy (8 iunie 1994)]»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Bancile centrale moderne»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Brash, Donald T.
Mancera, Miguel
Tosovsky, Josef
Bancile centrale si calibrarea politicii monetare2022»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Lazea, Valentin
Banii buni2017»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Petrila, Cezar
Kresge, Stephen
Banii buni Partea 1 - Partea 2»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Petrila, Cezar
Kresge, Stephen
Banii buni Partea 1 Lumea Noua2017»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Petrila, Cezar
Kresge, Stephen
Banii buni Partea 2»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Petrila, Cezar
Kresge, Stephen
Bernanke on Bernanke : Central Banking selects key remarks on major policy issues by the FED chairman-elect»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Central banking : economic considerations and policy goals2012»»»
Vang, Betty F.
Pate, Raphael H.
Central banking in transition : [text of the Per Jacobbson Lecture given by Professor Alexandre Lamfalussy, 8 June 1994]»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Central banks' new macroprudential consensus»»»
Taylor, Michael W.
Arner, Douglas W.
Gibson, Evan C.
Commentary : Currency convertibility in Eastern Europe»»»
Cooper, Richard Newell
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Harberger, Arnold C.
Commentary : Monetary policy and the control of inflation»»»
Feldstein, Martin
Kudlow, Lawrence A.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Rich, Georg
Thygesen, Niels
Commentary : Perspectives on OECD economic integration : implications for U.S. current account adjustment»»»
Visco, Ignazio
Convergenta si flexibilitate pentru aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Economica si Monetara»»»
Sebea, Mihai
Credibility and monetary policy»»»
McCallum, Bennett Tarlton
Blinder, Alan S.
Criza somajului in Romania»»»
Barasch, Marco I.
Criza, anticriza si noua ordine mondiala2009»»»
Masu, Stefan
Buneci, Petre
Gheorghe, Veronica
Danmarks Nationalbank : 1818-20182018»»»
Abildgren, Kim
Deflation et devaluation : etude comparee de leurs effets sur les prix1938»»»
Wormser, Olivier
Des regles de politique monetaire permettant d'assurer la stabilite des prix»»»
Black, Richard
Macklem, Tiff
Rose, David
Smith, Gregor
Designing central banks2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Direct inflation targeting : a new monetary policy strategy for Romania»»»
Popa, Cristian, economist, 1964 -
Rosentuler, Surica
Iorga, Elena
Salater, Wilhelm
Sasu, Daniela Ruxandra
Codirlasu, Adrian Ionut
Direct price control»»»
Bell, John F.
Discussion of key issues impacting achievement of the FED's 2% inflation objective»»»
Kaplan, Robert Samuel
Economia si pandemia : ce urmeaza?2021»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Economic and monetary union in Europe-the challenges ahead»»»
Duisenberg, Willem F.
Economic governance in an enlarged euro area»»»
Begg, Iain
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
Employment stbilization and price stabilization1937»»»
Ohlin, Bertil
Estimated tradeoffs between unemployment and inflation»»»
Fair, Ray Clarence
Gordon, Robert J.
Euro notes»»»
Euro si pietele financiare internationale2005»»»
Weidinger Sosdean, Corina
Federal Reserve priorities and the influence of capital : the evolution of monetary policy in the postwar period»»»
Wolfson, Martin H.
Folosirea preturilor in aprecierea eficientei economice»»»
Beju, Viorel
General discussion : how have central banks reduced inflation? : practical issues»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
General discussion : how should central banks reduce inflation? : conceptual issues»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
General discussion : how should monetary policy respond to shocks while maintaining long-run price stability? : conceptual issues»»»
Crokett, Andrew
General discussion : overview panel»»»
Crockett, Andrew D.
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