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Anonymous: Imperial federation on a commercial basis. (London 1887) : [recenzie]»»»
Asymmetric information and credit rationing : another view of industrial bank lending and Britain's economic problem»»»
Cable, John
Turner, Paul
Auslandische Geldscheine unter deutscher Besatzung : im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg2006»»»
Grabowski, Hans-Ludwig
Huschka, Henning
Schamberg, Wolfgang
Balance des paiements1928»»»
Smutny, Pavel
Bank-industry versus stock market-industry relationships2023»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
Biblioteconomie : stiinta bibliotecii»»»
Regneala, Mircea
Brexit and globalization : collateral damage or an accident waiting to happen?»»»
Tsoukalis, Loukas
Britain 1983 : an official handbook1983»»»
Britain's choice : key to the future of the euro»»»
Britain's invisible earnings : the report of the Committee on Invisible Exports1968»»»
Clarke, William
Bland, Thomas
Catre un guvern de necunoscuti? : oameni politici si inalti functionari in Marea Britanie»»»
Knapp, Andrew
Corporate networks in post-war Britain : do finance-industry relationships matter for corporate borrowing?»»»
Kern, Philipp
Schnyder, Gerhard
Debating banking in Britain : The Colwyn committee, 1918»»»
Billings, Mark
Mollan, Simon
Garnett, Philip
Die britische Handelspolitik seit Ottawa und ihre weltwirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen1937»»»
Schlie, Hans
Economia circulara : un model de economie a viitorului»»»
Perciun, Rodica
Timofei, Olga
Iordache, Victoria
Economic policy and the Covid-19 crisis : the macroeconomic response in the US, Europe and East Asia2022»»»
Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette
Moon, Woosik
Sohn, Wook
Epoca de pionierat a neurochirurgiei : (1880-1910) : personalitati ale neurochirurgiei universale»»»
Aldea, Hortensiu
Experiencing whiteness : intra-EU migration of Romanians to Paris and London»»»
Paraschivescu, Claudia
G. H. D. Cole: The next ten years in British social and economic policy. Edit.: Macmillan & Co. Limited. London 1929 : [recenzie]»»»
Gheorghiu, Panait R.
Heraldry : for the local historian and genealogist1997»»»
Friar, Stephen
Housing, credit and consumer expenditure»»»
Muellbauer, John N. J.
Ludvigson, Sydney
How the euro gives Britain a free ride : new research suggests Britain and other European countries that have not adopted the euro have nevertheless benefited from it nearly as much as insiders, without giving up policy autonomy»»»
Insurance regulation in the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany»»»
Hammond, Elizabeth
Kay, John
Interdependenta economica si pozitia Marei Britanii»»»
Cristureanu, T.
Kings and queens of England1976»»»
Palmer, Alan
La Grande-Bretagne au travail, par I. Herbert et G. Mathieu. Paris, Rue Jacob 54, Pierre Roger et C-ie, editeurs. Lucrarea face parte din colectiunea "Les Pays Modernes" : [recenzie]»»»
Bungetianu, Constantin
La preference imperiale et le commerce des pays britanniques depuis la crise1937»»»
Villeneuve, Jacques
Le controle budgetaire1936»»»
Satet, Robert
Lumea libera : America, Europa si viitorul surprinzator al Occidentului2006»»»
Ash, Timothy Garton
Lepadatu, Anton
Marea Britanie si problema nationalitatilor in Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est : (1914-1918)»»»
Fuscan, Valentin-Ioan
Marea Britanie: stapana marilor2008»»»
McKenzie, Kirsten
Marketing history in Britain : from the ancient to internet eras»»»
Hawkins, Richard A.
Money in Britain : a history of the currencies of the British Isles1962»»»
Josset, C. R.
Nicole Nobody1977»»»
Bedford, Nicole of
Lesseps, Emmanuelle de
PSD2, Brexit and financial regulation of payment system in the UK»»»
D'Alvia, Daniele
Morbee, Katrien
Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo
Policy credibility and unemployment in the U.K.»»»
Backus, David King
Driffill, John
Portuguese intra-EU migration : the dynamics of an ongoing migration process»»»
Gois, Pedro
Marques, Jose Carlos
Recrutarea generalilor in Franta, in Marea Britanie si in Germania»»»
Cailleteau, Francois
Bonnardot, Gerard
Reflectii asupra unui secol XX uitat : reevaluari2011»»»
Judt, Tony
Dos, Lucia
Mironescu, Doris
Regulatory sandboxes»»»
Goodenough, Oliver R.
Shrier, David L.
Respectable banking : the search for stability in London's money and credit markets since 16952017»»»
Hotson, Anthony C.
Retailing in a war economy»»»
Haring, Albert
Rural Scotland after the war»»»
Ogilvie, Alan Grant
Geddes, Arthur
SSI-SOE : jurnal politic : (1941-1944)2007»»»
Georgescu, Maria
Retegan, Mihai
Scotland and Ireland: Towards a Common 'Celtic Model'2010»»»
Salmond, Alex
Shop stewards' bargaining in Britain»»»
McCarthy, William E. J.
Sisteme politice contemporane : forme de guvernare in 29 de state2010»»»
Radu, Alexandru
Technological change : is it different this time?»»»
Nelson, Lyndon
The Great Depression of 1929 : crisis in the world economy»»»
Mates-Barco, Juan Manuel
The New Anglo-Irish Relationship2010»»»
Powell, Jonathan
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