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Aux pays Balkaniques : Montenegro, Serbie, Bulgarie[s.a.]»»»
Muzet, Alphonse
Balkan economic history, 1550-1950 : from imperial borderlands to developing nations1982»»»
Lampe, John R.
Jackson, Marvin R.
Die Handelspolitik der Balkanstaaten Rumanien, Serbien und Bulgarien, Spaniens und Frankreichs in den letzten Jahrzehnten : Berichte und Gutachten1892»»»
Economic aspects of innovative alternatives use in agriculture»»»
Subic, Jonel
Jelocnik, Marko
Fiscal impact assessment of structural reforms : case studies on South East Europe2013»»»
Mrak, Mojmir
Bauchmuller, Robert
McClure, Paul
Icones de Serbie et de Macedoine»»»
Nikolovski, Antonije
Interview : Mladjan Dinkic : Yugoslavia's speedy economic recovery from Milosevic era has been achieved with a programme of radical reforms by a governor prepared to take risks : the governor discusses the implications of the creations of the new state union Serbia and Montenegro»»»
Dinkic, Mladjan
Istoriografia romanilor din Serbia de Nord-Est2009»»»
Copcea, Florian
L'architecture au vingtieme siecle»»»
Music, Marjan
L'art byzantin en Serbie et Macedoine»»»
Tasic, Dusan
Le dix-neuvieme siecle»»»
Medakovic, Dejan
Modern banking in the Balkans and West-European capital in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries2018»»»
Kostis, Kostas P.
New monetary policy framework and reduction of inflation in Serbia2009»»»
Sojik, Milan
Recent experiences with exchange rate regimes and monetary policy in south-eastern Europe and Turkey 2004-20072009»»»
Barisitz, Stephan
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