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A brave new world? : the future of banking in emerging Europe : rethinking size, structure, ownership, policies and incentives : Conference co-organized by the Bank of Albania and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), October 11th, 2019 = Nje bote e re e guximshme? : e ardhmja e bankingut ne vendet evropiane ne zhvillim : rikonceptimi i permases, struktures, pronesise, politikave dhe incentivave te tij : Konferenca Vjetore e Bankes se Shqiperise, organizuar ne bashkepunim [...]2019»»»
Sejko, Gent
Activitatea bancii centrale si legea concurentei2009»»»
Bardy, Romain
Aderarea la Uniunea Europeana si perspectiva adoptarii euro2005»»»
Popa, Cristian, economist, 1964 -
Appointing central bankers : the politics of monetary policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union2003»»»
Chang, Kelly H.
BCR, participant activ la procesul integrarii europene2005»»»
Mihai, Ilie
Banci, sisteme de plati, riscuri1999»»»
Diaconescu, Mariana
Bank resolution : the European regime2016»»»
Binder, Jens-Hinrich
Singh, Dalvinder
Bank resolution and crisis management : law and practice2016»»»
Gleeson, Simon
Guynn, Randall
Banking challenges in the CESEE region from the Erste Group perspective2011»»»
Treichl, Andreas
Banking for business administration : theory, cases and applications2012»»»
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Ameziane, Lizeta
Dinca, Violeta Mihaela
Orzea, Ivona
Agoston, Simona
Serban, Andreea Luoana
Vasilescu, Andra Maria
Banking in the European Community after 19921994»»»
Louis, Jean-Victor
Banking in the European Union2012»»»
Goddard, John
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
Banking integration and co-movements in EU banks' fragility2008»»»
Brasili, Andrea
Vulpes, Giuseppe
Banking on markets : the transformation of bank-state ties in Europe and beyond2017»»»
Epstein, Rachel A.
Banking sector restructuring and debt consolidation in the Czech Republic2001»»»
Matousek, Roman
Blue Book : payment systems in countries that have applied for membership of the European Union1999»»»
Building the financial foundations of the euro : experiences and challenges2008»»»
Jonung, Lars
Walkner, Christoph
Watson, Max
Casa de Economii si Consemnatiuni : anul 2005, punte intre traditie si modernitate2005»»»
Ifrim, Vasile
Central banking governance in the European Union : a comparative analysis2010»»»
Quaglia, Lucia
Central banking systems compared : the ECB, the pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System2007»»»
Apel, Emmanuel
Challenges for banking in the CESEE region : the situation in Austria and CESEE in November 20102011»»»
Hysek, Michael
Challenges to banking stability in the EU : a survey2008»»»
Walkner, Christoph
Chronicles : on our troubled times2016»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Ackerman, Seth
Competition and efficiency in a unified European banking market2004»»»
Bikker, Jacob A.
Competitive banking in the EU and Euroland2003»»»
Gardener, Edward P. M.
Molyneux, Philip
Williams, Jonathan
Cooperarea in domeniul bancar dintre Banca Nationala a Romaniei si autoritatile competente din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene in lumina legislatiei romane2009»»»
Silberstein, Ianfred
Crearea de valoare in sistemul bancar romanesc in perspectiva integrarii europene2005»»»
Ilie, Florinel
De Eurocrisis : het verhaal van binnenuit2018»»»
Dijsselbloem, Jeroen
Directiva europeana privind serviciile de plata. Unele aspecte privind protectia consumatorilor in Titlul III2009»»»
Butnaru, Dana
Drept bancar comunitar2008»»»
Gheorghe, Carmen Adriana
Drept financiar2023»»»
Costas, Cosmin Flavius
Tofan, Mihaela
Drept financiar european2019»»»
Tofan, Mihaela
Onofrei, Mihaela
Dynamics of European banking integration2015»»»
Cocris, Vasile
Roman, Angela
EMU and financial integration2009»»»
Lane, Philip Richard
EU financial-stability framework: analytical benchmarks for assessing its efectiveness2009»»»
Nieto, Maria J.
Schinasi, Garry J.
Econometric models of the euro-area central banks2005»»»
Fagan, Gabriel
Morgan, Julian
Economic restructuring and internationalization of Slovenia»»»
Koyama, Yoji
Economie europeana2022»»»
Milea, Oana Maria
Efficiency models in the European baking system : the Austrian system»»»
Burtea, Alexandru
Petroman, Ioan
Eficienta si productivitate in sistemele bancare din Uniunea Europeana2016»»»
Nitoi, Mihai
Euro area monetary policy in uncharted waters2010»»»
Cihak, Martin
Harjes, Thomas
Stavrev, Emil
Europe's toxic twins : government debt in financialized times»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Ban, Cornel
European Banking Union : the new regime2015»»»
Hinojosa-Martinez, Luis M.
Beneyto, Jose Maria
European Central Bank : the investment decision-making process and its governance»»»
Silvonen, Torsti
Port, Etienne
European bank restructuring during the global financial crisis2016»»»
Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Kerlin, Jakub
Kozlowska, Anna
Malinowska-Misiag, Elzbieta
Nowak, Agnieszka
Smaga, Pawel
Wisniewski, Piotr
Witkowski, Bartosz
European central banking law : the role of the European Central Bank and national central banks under European law2020»»»
Gortsos, Christos V.
European economic integration and South-East Europe : challenges and prospects2005»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
Christl, Josef
Mooslechner, Peter
European financial markets and institutions2009»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Oosterloo, Sander
Schoenmaker, Dirk
European prudential banking regulation and supervision : the legal dimension2010»»»
Dragomir, Larisa
Evaluarea eficientei bancilor si rolul ei in intarirea zonei euro2010»»»
Andries, Alin-Marius
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