After the crisis : reform, recovery, and growth in Europe2016»»»
Caselli, Francesco
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Analiza economiei romanesti prin prisma criteriilor de aderare la zona euro»»»
Barglazan, Diana
Analiza interdependentelor dintre dezvoltarea durabila a Romaniei si a tarilor membre UE in perioada postaderare2007»»»
Albu, Lucian-Liviu
Balance of payments issues in Central and Eastern European countries' run-up to Euro area accession2007»»»
Funke, Katja
Bancile centrale, criza si postcriza : Romania si Uniunea Europeana incotro?2018»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Banking sector restructuring and debt consolidation in the Czech Republic2001»»»
Matousek, Roman
Building the financial foundations of the euro : experiences and challenges2008»»»
Jonung, Lars
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Completing transition : the main challenges2002»»»
Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude
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Mooslechner, Peter
Conclusions : is there a future for the Euro in the global economy?»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
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Consequences of the european monetary integration on financial systems2008»»»
Stavarek, Daniel
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Considerente privind efectele politicii ratelor reduse ale dobanzii2006»»»
Ciobotaru, Adrian
Convergence between the financial systems of EU memmer states and applicant transition economies2001»»»
Murinde, Victor
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Convergenta economica2008»»»
Marinas, Marius-Corneliu
Convergenta nominala si reala a economiei Romaniei in contextul integrarii in Uniunea Economica si Monetara2015»»»
Dumitrescu, Bogdan Andrei
Crisis in the eurozone : causes, dilemmas and solutions2015»»»
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Does the euro need a fiscal union? Some lessons from history2011»»»
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Drept financiar2023»»»
Costas, Cosmin Flavius
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EMU and European unemployment2001»»»
van Poeck, Andre
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EMU convergence criteria and international flows of capital : the dilemmas for Polish macroeconomic policy2001»»»
Grabowski, Boguslaw
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ERM II : problems for the outs and their relationship with the ins2001»»»
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Economia Romaniei dupa Marea Unire2019»»»
Iancu, Aurel
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Economia Romaniei dupa Marea Unire Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Iancu, Aurel
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Economia integrarii europene2006»»»
Baldwin, Charles
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Economia si dreptul Uniunii Europene2022»»»
Weber, Florentina Iuliana
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Economic and monetary union in Europe : theory, evidence and practice2003»»»
Baimbridge, Mark
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Economic performance and stabilization policy in a monetary union with imperfect labor and goods' markets2004»»»
Coricelli, Fabrizio
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Efecte macroeconomice ale procesului de integrare financiara in conditiile adoptarii monedei unice2010»»»
Avadanei, Andreea
Euro : cum ameninta moneda comuna viitorul Europei2016»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
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Euro, promisiunea facuta leului2015»»»
Perpelea, Mircea
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Euroland end East Asia in a dollar-based international monetary system: Mundell revisited2001»»»
McKinnon, Ronald Ian
Europe and the euro2010»»»
Alesina, Alberto
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European Union law : text and materials2019»»»
Chalmers, Damian
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European economic integration and South-East Europe : challenges and prospects2005»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
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European monetary integration2004»»»
European monetary integration : past, present and future2001»»»
Pentecost, Eric J.
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Eurosistemul : o tensiune arhitecturala a convergentei2009»»»
Golban, Radu
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Exchange rate strategies for new EU entrants2001»»»
Holscher, Jens
Vinhas de Souza, Lucio
Financial and monetary integration in the new Europe2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
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Financial integration between the EU and the economies of Central and eastren Europe : an overview2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
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Financial integration, macroeconomic volatility and risk sharing - the role of the monetary union2009»»»
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem
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Financial stability and economic development in transitional economies2001»»»
Fry, Maxwell J.
Fiscal policy in EMU2001»»»
Barry, Frank
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro»»»
Karatzas, Theodoros B.
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro : studies in European monetary integration2018»»»
Cottrell, Philip L.
Notaras, Gerassimos
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Geneza si evolutia constructiei europene : tratatele europene»»»
Gazinski, Benon
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German monetary unification and its implications for EMU2001»»»
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How to finance cohesion in Europe?2019»»»
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Implicatii ale unificarii monetare europene asupra Romaniei : teza de doctorat2004»»»
Calin, Diana
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Inflation targeting and monetary integration under ERM2: modelling third-country effects from production sharing2008»»»
Hammermann, Felix