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"Academia Teologica Andreiana" intre 1918-1948»»»
Brusanovski, Paul
Pavel, Aurel
"Auf nach Rumanien!" : beligeranta germano-romana : 1916-19182020»»»
Topor, Claudiu-Lucian
"Carol I" Central University Library : a place in the city, a place for the city2012»»»
Ghenciulescu, Stefan
Radoi, Mirelle
Francu, Victoria
"The unknown war" from Eastern Europe : Romania between allies and enemies : (1916-1918)2016»»»
Topor, Claudiu-Lucian
Rubel, Alexander
'Distribution and economic progress' after seventy years2008»»»
Solow, Robert M.
1. Teil1961»»»
10 ani de la lansarea euro : prefacerile si viitorul monedei in contextul crizei mondiale2010»»»
Voinea, Gheorghe M.
Roman, Angela
Chirlesan, Dan
10 ani de politica monetara unica2010»»»
10x12 Florin Constantiniu : 10 ani de la intrarea in eternitate : 12 articole din "Dosarele istoriei"2022»»»
Constantiniu, Florin
Suciu, Mircea-Dorel
Buga, Vasile
Popa, Marcel D.
12 mai 1919, punctul de inceput al universitatii romanesti din Cluj»»»
Stan, Ana-Maria
15 ani de reforma a sistemului contabil romanesc2009»»»
Toma, Constantin C.
150 de ani de la infiintarea Universitatii din Bucuresti = 150 years since the establishment of the University of Bucharest = 150 ans depuis la fondation de l'Universite de Bucarest2014»»»
Dima, Mihai
1956 explozia : perceptii romane, iugoslave si sovietice asupra evenimentelor din Polonia si Ungaria1996»»»
Lungu, Corneliu-Mihail
Retegan, Mihai
2 : Dictionarul limbii romane din trecut si de astazi (2), Dictionarul istoric si geografic universal2010»»»
2. Teil1961»»»
21 de lectii pentru secolul XXI2018»»»
Harari, Yuval Noah
Popovici, Lucia
25 de ani de studii literare belgiene francofone la Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca»»»
Lascu-Pop, Rodica
3. Teil1961»»»
70 de ani de la infiintarea Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie din Targu-Mures = 70 years since the establishment of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu-Mures = 70 annees depuis la creation de l'Universite de Medecine et Pharmacie de Targu-Mures2015»»»
Ciornei, Cristian
75 de ani de la infiintarea Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara = 75 years since the establishment of the West University of Timisoara = 75 ans de la creation de l'Universite de l'Ouest de Timisoara2019»»»
Cirjan, Romeo
A Comparison of English and American Bankruptcy Procedures2002»»»
Franks, Julian R.
Torous, Walter N.
A VAR description of the effects of monetary policy in the individual countries of the euro area2003»»»
Mojon, Benoit
Peersman, Gert
A better plan for addressing the financial crisis2012»»»
Bebchuk, Lucian Arye
A class of tests for integration and cointegration1999»»»
Stock, James H.
A comparison of linear and nonlinear unvariate models for forecasting macroeconomic time series1999»»»
Stock, James H.
Watson, Mark W.
A concise economic history of the world : from paleolithic times to the present2003»»»
Cameron, Rondo
Neal, Larry
A contemporary concept of monetary sovereignty2013»»»
Zimmermann, Claus D.
A course in financial calculus2002»»»
Etheridge, Alison
A dictionary of finance1993»»»
A dictionary of the Roman Empire1995»»»
Bunson, Matthew
A dollarization/free banking bluprint for Argentina2003»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
A farewell to alms : a brief economic history of the world2007»»»
Clark, Gregory
A general history of Europe : 350-19001907»»»
Thatcher, Oliver J.
Schwill, Ferdinand
Hassall, Arthur
A great deal of ruin : financial crises since 19292019»»»
Gerber, James
A history of big recessions in the long twentieth century2020»»»
Solimano, Andres
A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind2015»»»
Mitford Goodson, Stephen
A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States2006»»»
Wood, John H.
A little history of economics2017»»»
Kishtainy, Niall
A long-run and short-run component model of stock return1999»»»
Engle, Robert F.
Lee, Gary G. J.
A macroeconomic approach to complexity2001»»»
Boumans, Marcel
A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-20212022»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
A monetary general equilibrium theory for an international economy1968»»»
Meinich, Per
A monetary history of the United States : 1867-19601963»»»
Friedman, Milton
Jacobson Schwartz, Anna
A multiple means-of-payment model2008»»»
Prescott, Edward C.
A multivariate time series analysis of the data revision process for industrial production and the composite leading1999»»»
Swanson, Norman R.
Ghysels, Eric
Callan, Myles
A new metric for banking integration in Europe2009»»»
Gropp, Reint
Kashyap, Anil K.
A perspective on a hicksian non-linear theory of the trade cycle2008»»»
Velupillai, Kumaraswamy Vela
A postmodern critique of globalization: insights into global culture2009»»»
Athes, Haralambie
A rational expectations framework for short-run policy analysis2008»»»
Sims, Christopher Albert
A recipe for ratings reform2012»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
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