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Accounting for derivatives : advanced hedging under IFRS2007»»»
Ramirez, Juan
Advanced analytical models : over 800 models and 300 applications from the Basel II accord to Wall Street and beyond2008»»»
Mun, Johnathan
Advanced credit risk analysis and management2013»»»
Joseph, Ciby
Asymmetric dependence in finance : diversification, correlation and portfolio management in market downturns2018»»»
Alcock, Jamie
Satchell, Stephen
Bank asset and liability management : strategy, trading, analysis2007»»»
Choudhry, Moorad
Oliver, Andrew
Hussain, Jaffar
Zhuoshi Liu, Kevin
Pienaar, Rod
Ali, Abukar
Baig, Suleman
Carter, Darren
Basel IV : the next generation of risk weighted assets2017»»»
Neisen, Martin
Roth, Stefan
Bonds without borders : a history of the Eurobond market2015»»»
O'Malley, Chris
Rudloff, Hans-Joerg
Building financial models with Microsoft Excel : a guide for business professionals2004»»»
Proctor, K. Scott
Central banking : theory and practice in sustaining monetary and financial stability2014»»»
Moenjak, Thammarak
Counterparty credit risk : the new challenge for global financial markets2010»»»
Gregory, Jon
Credit risk measurement in and out of the financial crisis : new approaches to value at risk and other paradigms2010»»»
Saunders, Anthony
Allen, Linda
Credit risk modeling using Excel and VBA2015»»»
Loffler, Gunter
Posch, Peter N.
Credit risk models and the Basel accords2003»»»
van Deventer, Donald R.
Imai, Kenji
Dangerous markets : managing in financial crisis2003»»»
Barton, Dominic
Newell, Roberto
Wilson, Gregory
Discounted cash flow : a theory of the valuation of firms2005»»»
Kruschwitz, Lutz
Loffler, Andreas
Financial markets, banking, and monetary policy2014»»»
Simpson, Thomas D.
Financial planning & analysis and performance management2018»»»
Alexander, Jack
Financial risk forecasting : the theory and practice of forecasting market risk, with implementation in R and Matlab2011»»»
Danielsson, Jon
Financial risk management : models, history, and institutions2011»»»
Malz, Allan M.
Financial valuation workbook : step-by-step exercises and tests to help you master financial valuation2006»»»
Hitchner, James R.
Mard, Michael J.
Foreign exchange : a practical guide to the FX markets2006»»»
Weithers, Tim
Foreign exchange option pricing : a practitioner's guide2011»»»
Clark, Iain J.
Foundations of banking risk : an overview of banking, banking risks, and risk-based banking regulation2009»»»
Apostolik, Richard
Donohue, Christopher
Went, Peter
Global private banking and wealth management : the new realities2006»»»
Maude, David
Institutional banking for emerging markets : principles and practice2007»»»
Huang, Wei-Xin
Interest rate risk modeling : the fixed income valuation course2005»»»
Nawalkha, Sanjay K.
Soto, Gloria M.
Beliaeva, Natalia A.
International economic indicators and central banks2007»»»
Dolganos Picker, Anne
International finance regulation : the quest for financial stability2014»»»
Ugeux, Georges
Liquidity risk management : a practitioner's perspective2016»»»
Venkat, Shyam
Baird, Stephen
Liquidity risk measurement and management : a practitioner's guide to global best practices2007»»»
Matz, Leonard
Neu, Peter
Measuring market risk2005»»»
Dowd, Kevin
Measuring operational and reputational risk : a practitioner's approach2009»»»
Soprano, Aldo
Crielaard, Bert
Piacenza, Fabio
Ruspantini, Daniele
Operational risk : measurement and modelling2001»»»
King, Jack L.
Operational risk management : best practices in the financial services industry2019»»»
Chapelle, Ariane
Operational risk toward Basel III : best practices and issues in modeling, management, and regulation2009»»»
Gregoriou, Greg N.
Practical portofolio performance : measurement and attribution2008»»»
Bacon, Carl R.
Rebuilding trust in banks : the role of leadership and governance2014»»»
Zinkin, John
Risk management and financial institutions2018»»»
Hull, John C.
Risk management in electronic banking : concepts and best practices2007»»»
Kondabagil, Jayaram
Scenarios for risk management and global investment strategies2007»»»
Ziemba, Rachel E.S.
Ziemba, William T.
Strategic asset allocation in fixed-income markets : a MATLAB-based user's guide2008»»»
Nyholm, Ken
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management2004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 12004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 1 - vol. 4»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 22004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 32004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 42004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps and other derivatives2002»»»
Flavell, Richard
The liquidity risk management guide : from policy to pitfalls2014»»»
Adalsteinsson, Gudni
The liquidity theory of asset prices2006»»»
Pepper, Gordon
Oliver, Michael J.
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