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Structural fiscal imbalances, financial repression and sovereign debt sustainability in Southern Europe, 1970s-1990s»»»
Battilossi, Stefano
Studii de filozofie, politica si economie2013»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Zamosteanu, Dana
Suprimarea dreptului de greva : noua reforma muncitoreasca din Italia»»»
Suciu, Paul Horia
Sursele sanatatii organizationale in penitenciarele romanesti»»»
Florian, Gheorghe
Sustainability trend in Russian banking sector»»»
Babazade, Amin
Sustainability, public security, and privacy concerns regarding Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)»»»
Rybski, Robert
Sustainable finance : an overview of ESG in the financial markets»»»
Driessen, Marieke
Sustenabilitatea, factor de succes pentru intreprinderile mici si mijlocii : exemple de bune practici2022»»»
Costache, Catalina Elena
Dumitrascu, Danut-Dumitru
Taxation in the 1980s : a five-country comparison of neo-liberalism and path dependency»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Tchecoslovaquie : [cronique des evenements politiques et economiques dans le bassin danubien, 1918-1936]MCMXXXVIII [1938]»»»
Sauer, Leopold
Tendinte ale politicilor de dezvoltare regionala in Romania»»»
Pop, Lucian
Tendinte in evolutia asigurarilor sociale din Romania»»»
Marginean, Ioan
The 1920s»»»
Olney, Martha L.
The EU and European models' competitiveness at stake»»»
Bal, Ana
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
Gardu, Dana
Topan, Vladimir
The European Union and social policy»»»
Falkner, Gerda
The IPE of degrowth and sustainable welfare»»»
Koch, Max
Buch-Hansen, Hubert
The IPE of global social policy governance»»»
Bianculli, Andrea
Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea
The basic needs strategy and its limitations»»»
Khan, Aftab A.
The case of Italy»»»
Cozza, Claudio
Nascia, Leopoldo
The collateralization of social policy by financial markets in the Global South»»»
Lavinas, Lena
The economics of European integration : limits and prospects2005»»»
Jovanovic, Miroslav N.
The financialization of life»»»
Langley, Paul
The financialization of real estate»»»
Aalbers, Manuel B.
Fernandez, Rodrigo
Wijburg, Gertjan
The great degeneration : how institutions decay and economies die2014»»»
Ferguson, Niall
The great transformation : the political and economic origins of our time2001»»»
Polanyi, Karl
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Block, Fred
The horrors of exclusion : Zygmunt Bauman's sociological journey»»»
Taras, Raymond
The internal market as a legal concept2017»»»
Weatherill, Stephen
The lion's share : inequality and the rise of the fiscal state in preindustrial Europe2019»»»
Alfani, Guido
Di Tullio, Matteo
The political economy of public finance since the 1970s : questioning the Leviathan»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Daunton, Martin
Nutzenadel, Alexander
The political economy of the European Union : between national and supranational politics»»»
Karremans, Johannes
Lefkofridi, Zoe
The silver economy : an ageing society in the European Union2024»»»
Niemczyk, Agata
Szalonka, Katarzyna
Gardocka-Jalowiec, Anna
Nowak, Wioletta
Seweryn, Renata
Grodek-Szostak, Zofia
The social safety net for families with children : what is working and how to do more»»»
Hoynes, Hilary
The state, public finance and the changing response to investing in the future : the case of the United Kingdom since the 1970s»»»
Chick, Martin
Time for new philosophical foundations for economy theory?»»»
Allen, Danielle
Time for socialism : dispatches from a world on fire, 2016-20212021»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Couper, Kristin
Traite de politique et de science sociale1866»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
Traite de politique et de science sociale Tome 11866»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
Traite de politique et de science sociale Tome 1 - Tome 2»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
Traite de politique et de science sociale Tome 21866»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
Tranzitia demografica si problemele sociale asociate»»»
Zamfir, Catalin
Tranzitie si restauratie»»»
Priboy, Titus
Un deceniu de politica sociala»»»
Demetrescu, Eugen
Uniunea Europeana : foarte scurta introducere2005»»»
Pinder, John
Neagoe, Cristian Iulian
Uniunea Europeana : ghid critic2007»»»
McGiffen, Steven P.
Valea Jiului : reforma si colaps economico-social»»»
Stegar, Irinel
Viata sociala si politica a Beiusului traita la timpul prezent»»»
Naghiu, Anton
Victor Slavescu. Probleme de politica de banca. Biblioteca Asociatiei pentru studiul si reforma sociala. Sectia Financiara No. 2, Bucuresti 1919 : [recenzie]»»»
Mladenatz, Gromoslav
Vues d'economie objective1935»»»
Carmille, Rene
War organization in Great Britain»»»
Viton, Albert
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