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Rolul Bancii Nationale a Romaniei in sfera contractelor de economisire-creditare»»»
Smarandache, Lavinia Elena
Rolul bancilor centrale in economiile contemporane : dincolo de stabilitatea preturilor2023»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Salater, Wilhelm
Rolul dobinzii in noul sistem de creditare»»»
Petcu, Steluta
S. S. Nosarev, C. A. Miseiuc, M. V. Sidelnicov : Creditarea colhozurilor si a populatiei rurale. (Creditovanie colhozov i selscovo naselenia). Gosfinizdat, Moscova, 1951, 126 pag. : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
- Descriere: An 4, nr. 12, Dec 1951, p. 166
- ISBN: -
Note bibliografice
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Minizicu, Andreea
Sfarsitul economiei iluziei : criza si anticriza : o abordare heterodoxa2009»»»
Voinea, Liviu
Daianu, Daniel
Short-term municipal securities»»»
Walter, John R.
Sistemul bancar»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Sistemul bancar in Romania si creditarea2005»»»
Jimbla, Ana
Gherasim, Luca
Sistemul bancar si organizarea creditului in economia socialista1949-1950»»»
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Acerbo, Giacomo
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Caligiuri, Gian Franco
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Meyendorff, Anna
Technique et pratique bancaires1967»»»
Boudinot, Andre
Frabot, Jean-Claude
Tehnica bancara : suport de curs2011»»»
Trenca, Ioan I.
Tehnica imbuntatita de creditare si decontare la gospodariile agricole de stat»»»
Niculceanu, Constantin
- Descriere: An 5, nr. 10, Oct 1959, p. 14-27
- ISBN: -
Tehnica si evidenta operatiilor bancare1977»»»
Sovei, George
Tehnica si managementul operatiunilor bancare2003»»»
Mihai, Ilie
Tehnica si practica operatiunilor bancare : relatiile agentilor economici cu bancile1995»»»
Imireanu, Mihai-Gheorghe A.
Tehnici de creditare pe pietele financiare»»»
Popescu, Emilia Madalina
The ACAR Program in Minas Gerais, Brazil»»»
Ribeiro, Jose Paulo
Wharton, Clifton Reginald, Jr.
The bank's general borrowing policy»»»
Kodock, Augustin F.
The banker's place in commerce1930»»»
Spalding, William Frederick
The challenges of multilateralism and governance»»»
Woods, Ngaire Tui
The economics of consumer credit2006»»»
Bertola, Giuseppe
Disney, Richard
Grant, Charles
The economics of instalment selling : a study in consumers' credit : with special reference to the automobileMDCCCCXXVII [1927]»»»
Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson
The effect of credit market competition2004»»»
Petersen, Mitchell A.
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
The elements of banking1894»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The evolution of consumer credit in the United States2002»»»
Calder, Lendol
The financial jungle : a guide to credit derivatives2001»»»
Eaton, Scott W.
Davies, Jonathan
Hewer, James
Rivett, Phil
The financial jungle : international taxation of credit derivatives1999»»»
The future of monetary policy : a report on international monetary problems by a group of the Royal Institute of international Affairs1935»»»
The growth of consumer credit and the household debt service burden2002»»»
Maki, Dean M.
The impact of credit scoring and automated underwriting on credit availability2002»»»
McCorkell, Peter L.
The impact of public policy on consumer credit2002»»»
Durkin, Thomas A.
Staten, Michael E.
The law of modern commercial practices1965»»»
Whitney, Frederick A.
The management of consumer credit : theory and practice2008»»»
Finlay, Steven
The monetary approach to the balance of payments : a collection of research papers by members of the staff of the International Monetary Fund1977»»»
The practice of lending : a guide to credit analysis and credit risk2020»»»
Yhip, Terence M.
Alagheband, Bijan M. D.
The theory of credit1889-1891»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory of credit vol. 11889»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory of credit vol. 1 - vol. 2»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory of credit vol. 2, part 21891»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest it1930»»»
Fisher, Irving
Tome 11963»»»
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