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Recent developments in monetary policy analysis : the roles of theory and evidence2000»»»
McCallum, Bennett Tarlton
Regional innovation in the United States : a poisson stochastic frontier approach with finite mixture structure»»»
Drivas, Kyriakos
Economidou, Claire
Tsionas, Mike G.
Remarks on the foundations of agent-based generative social science2006»»»
Epstein, Joshua M.
Representation of conditional preferences under uncertainty2008»»»
Asheim, Geir B.
Resampling and subsampling for financial time series2009»»»
Paparoditis, Efstathios
Politis, Dimitris N.
Rethinking the role of NAIRU in monetary policy: implications of model formulation and uncertainty»»»
Estrella, Arturo
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Revealed ambiguity and its consequences : updating2008»»»
Ghirardato, P.
Maccheroni, F.
Marinacci, M.
Rissanen's theorem and econometric time series2001»»»
Ploberger, Werner
Phillips, Peter C. B.
Science seeks parsimony, not simplicity : searching for pattern in phenomena2001»»»
Simon, Herbert A.
Semiparametric and nonparametric ARCH modeling2009»»»
Linton, Oliver Bruce
Semiparametric and nonparametric methods in econometrics2009»»»
Horowitz, Joel L.
Sensitivity analysis in decision making : a consistent approach2008»»»
Borgonovo, E.
Peccati, L.
Simplicity : views of some Nobel laureates in economic science2001»»»
McAleer, Michael
Simplicity and statistical inference2001»»»
Rissanen, Jorma
Simplicity in a behavioural non parametric context2001»»»
Tempelaar, Dirk
Simplicity, inference and modelling2001»»»
Zellner, Arnold
Keuzenkamp, Hugo A.
McAleer, Michael
Simplicity, information, Kolmogorov complexity and prediction2001»»»
Vitanyi, Paul
Li, Ming
Simulari in afaceri2005»»»
Luban, Florica
Simulated score methods and indirect inference for continuous-time models2010»»»
Gallant, Ronald
Tauchen, George
- Descriere: p. 428-478
- ISBN: -
Sistemul de modele ale planificarii economice pe termen mediu1976»»»
Mihalevski, B. N.
Small sample estimation and stochastic simulation of an econometric model1986»»»
Ahlstedt, Monica
Smooth transition regression modeling2004»»»
Terasvirta, Timo
Social dynamics : theory and applications2006»»»
Young, H. Peyton
Solutions manual for econometrics2008»»»
Baltagi, Badi Hani
Solving nonlinear rational expectations models by eigenvalue-eigenvector decompositions2001»»»
Novales, Alfonso
Domiguez, Emilio
Perez, Javier
Ruiz, Jesus
Some unresolved problems of mathematical programming2009»»»
Bjerkholt, Olav
Spatial econometrics : statistical foundations and applications to regional convergence2006»»»
Arbia, Giuseppe
State-space models with regime switching : classical and Gibbs-sampling approaches with applications1999»»»
Chang-Jin, Kim
Nelson, Charles R.
Stationarity, mixing, distributional properties and moments of GARCH (p,q)2009»»»
Lindner, Alexander M.
Statistica ramurilor neindustriale : agricultura, silvicultura, economia apelor, circulatia marfurilor : metode si tehnici de calcul si analiza statistica1982»»»
Bulgaru, Mircea
Statistica si econometrie2003»»»
Andrei, Tudorel
Statistical approaches to modeling and forecasting time series2002»»»
Pedregal, Diego J.
Young, Peter C.
Statistical inference for sharpe ratio2010»»»
Schmid, Friedrich
Schmidt, Rafael
Statistical properties of the asymmetric power ARCH process1999»»»
Changli, He
Terasvirta, Timo
Statistics and econometrics : methods and applications2003»»»
Ashenfelter, Orley
Levine, Phillip B.
Zimmerman, David J.
Statistics for economists2005»»»
Tusa, Erika
Statistics with Stata : updated for version 92006»»»
Hamilton, Lawrence C.
Statistics, econometrics and forecasting2004»»»
Zellner, Arnold
Stochastic processes1996»»»
Ross, Sheldon M.
Stochastic volatility»»»
Andersen, Torben G.
Benzoni, Luca
Stochastic volatility : origins and overview2009»»»
Shepard, Neil
Andersen, Torben G.
Stochastic volatility models with long memory2009»»»
Hurvich, Clifford M.
Soulier, Philippe
Stock market contagion from a spatial perspective»»»
Chow, William W.
Strategii si instrumente de administrare a riscurilor bancare2009»»»
Moinescu, Bogdan-Gabriel
Codirlasu, Adrian
Structural breaks in financial time series2009»»»
Andreou, Elena
Ghysels, Eric
Structural macroeconometrics2007»»»
DeJong, David N.
Dave, Chetan
Structural reforms and growth : the elusive quest for the silver bullet»»»
Terzi, Alessio
Marrazzo, Pasquale Marco
Structural vector autoregressive analysis2017»»»
Kilian, Lutz
Lutkepohl, Helmut
Structural vector autoregressive modeling and impulse responses2004»»»
Breitung, Jorg
Bruggemann, Ralf
Lutkepohl, Helmut
Sub-sample model selection procedures in general-to-specific modelling2004»»»
Hendry, David Forbes
Krolzig, Hans-Martin
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