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New world economic order, reactions of the developed world and strategy of use of the financial surpluses of certain developing countries»»»
Amin, Samir
North American currrency integration : a Canadian perspective2003»»»
Courchene, Thomas J.
Harris, Richard G.
Official development assistance»»»
Wells, Francis G.
Officially supported export credits in the present international situation»»»
Boffito, Carlo
Offshore finance2006»»»
McCann, Hilton
Old ideas and new problems»»»
Balogh, Thomas
On international cooperation and standards and codes2002»»»
Icard, Andre
On the measurement of social progress and wellbeing : some further thoughts2012»»»
Fitoussi, Jean-Paul
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
On the reform of the international monetary system and interdependence»»»
Vries, Tom de
Opening remarks»»»
Diabre, Zephirin
Options for relieving debt of low income countries»»»
Williams, Maurice
Organisme financiare internationale2003»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Poanta, Dorina
Organizational and operational restructuring of commercial banks to support international financing of development»»»
Payno, Juan Antonio
Overview of developments in Canadian financial services law1995»»»
Crawford, Bradley
Pan-Amerikanische Finanzkonferenz vom 24. bis 29 Mai 19151915»»»
Pfitzner, Johannes
Participation of the International Investment Bank in the economic development of the CMEA member countries»»»
Malicki, Janusz
Patterns of international capital flows and their implications for economic development»»»
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
Prasad, Eswar S.
Subramanian, Arvind
Collins, Susan M.
Perspectives of the economy of developed countries in the eighties»»»
Mieszczankowski, Mieczyslaw
Perspectives on the recent currency crisis literature2001»»»
Flood, Robert P.
Marion, Nancy Peregrim
Petroleum-recycling and petrodollars in the eighties»»»
Laulan, Yves
Policies to combat monetary crisis in developing countries2000»»»
Cooper, Richard Newell
Policies to curb stock market volatility»»»
Edwards, Franklin R.
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Hale, David D.
Policy response to external shocks : lessons from the crisis2013»»»
Capistran, Carlos
Cuadra, Gabriel
Ramos-Francia, Manuel
Possibilites and importance of founding new financial institutions in developing countries»»»
Jovic, Srboljub
Possibilites for channelling international financing through development funds»»»
Mrkusic, Zarko
Possibilities for the greater mobilisation of resources on money and capital markets to meet development needs»»»
Perroux, Francois
Potential gains from and obstacles to international policy coordination»»»
Solomon, Robert
Preface: a system on shaky ground»»»
Eisen, Sara
Pressures for currency consolidation in insurance and finance : are the currencies of financially small countries on the endangered list?2003»»»
Furstenberg, George M. von
Principles of international finance and open economy macroeconomics : theories, applications, and policies2015»»»
Terra, Cristina
Problema reparatiunilor germane : origine, evolutie, solutionari1929»»»
Netta, Xenofon
Problemes financiers d'apres-guerre1922»»»
D'Aubigny, A.
Celier, A.
Delatour, A.
Decamps, J.
Desforges, P.
Martin, Germain
Isaac, A.
Ribot, A.
Problems of international money, 1972-1985: Papers presented at a seminar organized by the International Monetary Fund and the Overseas Development Institute in London in March 19851986»»»
Problems of the US economy2000»»»
Tobin, James
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 19441948»»»
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944 Vol. 11948»»»
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944 Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944 Vol. 21948»»»
Progress in the theory of economic policy2001»»»
Giavazzi, Francesco
Giovannini, Alberto
Project financing and financial markets»»»
Graham, Andrew
Prolonged deslocation and financial crises2013»»»
Browne, Frank
Kelly, Robert
Proposed second amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund : a report by the Executive Directors to the Board of Governors1976»»»
Prospect for banking reform in the United States1995»»»
Bowden, William P., Jr
Prospects for the international monetary system in the eighties»»»
Cirovic, Milutin
Prospects of East West monetary and financial relations»»»
Dubrowsky, Hans-Joachim
Providing the international private lender with effective remedies»»»
Everson, Leonard C.
Psihologia investitorului : tendinte si mutatii pe piata financiara internationala2010»»»
Mionel, Oana
Public assistance for development by the OECD»»»
Kodock, Augustin F.
Putting an end to the reign of financial illusion : for real growth2022»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Randall Hinshaw Memorial Lecture : choosing exchange rate regimes : lessons from Europe and Asia»»»
Corden, Warner Max
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