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Central banks' new macroprudential consensus»»»
Taylor, Michael W.
Arner, Douglas W.
Gibson, Evan C.
Central banks, governments and the European monetary unification process2008»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Cercetarea economica din Romania»»»
Chivu, Luminita
Ioan-Franc, Valeriu
Cercetari privind cresterea economica si dezvoltarea afacerilor in contextul digitalizarii2023»»»
Androniceanu-Niculescu, Ane-Mari
Ceremonialul Incoronarii : model european si identitate nationala»»»
Mandache, Diana
Cereri in fata Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului. Conditii de admisibilitate2001»»»
Dinca, Razvan
Cerinte specifice ale gestionarii instrumentelor structurale si implicatiile pentru Romania : Studiul nr. 62004»»»
Cojanu, Valentin
Dima, Alina Mihaela
Musetescu, Radu Cristian
Pislaru, Dragos
Cetatea sub blocada ideii : schita fenomenologica a istoriei gandirii politice2005»»»
Cernica, Viorel
Cetatenie si drepturi europene2007»»»
Vrabie, Mihaela
Ch. Pomaret. L'Amerique a la conquete de l'Europe. Armand Colin, Paris 1931 : [recenzie]»»»
Branzescu, Gheorghe
Chalenges of Romania’s accession in European Union : studies, papers and researches2005»»»
Burtea, Alexandru
Mihai, Ioan
Challenges after the crisis in emerging Europe : a look outside the EU borders2012»»»
Buysse, Kristel
Gurtner, Francois
Challenges and lessons of the Federal reserve's monetary policy operations during the financial crisis2011»»»
Hilton, Spence
McAndrews, James
Challenges and opportunities under conditionality : Portugal»»»
Lisi, Marco
Ramalhete, Vera
Challenges faced by the accesion countries : remarks2004»»»
Jarai, Zsigmond
Inotai, Andras
Challenges for banking in the CESEE region : the situation in Austria and CESEE in November 20102011»»»
Hysek, Michael
Challenges for the next decade of monetary policy implementation2011»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Mercier, Paul
Papadia, Francesco
Wurtz, F.
Challenges of the global crisis and the unconventional monetary policy response of the European Central Bank»»»
Roman, Angela
- Descriere: p. 143-223
- ISBN: -
Challenges of the global financial crisis to european emerging economies2009»»»
Orhan, Elsida
Challenges to European economic integration2011»»»
Constancio, Vitor
Challenges to accession : Estonia : Marten Ross, a deputy governor at the Bank of Estonia, considers alternative scenarios for joining the euro : after ten years experience of a currency board, Estonia is more than prepared to join»»»
Ross, Marten
Challenges to banking stability in the EU : a survey2008»»»
Walkner, Christoph
Changes in ECB monetary policy approach during the crisis»»»
Forte, Antonio
Changes in household income, income inequality and poverty: a comparative overview2009»»»
Stanovnik, Tine
Kump, Natasa
Changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Hungary2009»»»
Changes in the focus of European economic integration»»»
Weber, Axel Alfred
- Descriere: p. 12-20
- ISBN: -
Changing legal basis of central banks : Rene Smits outlines the special legal basis of the European System of Central Banks and of its mandate in the changing constitutional positions of central banks»»»
Smits, Rene
Changing welfare states and the euro crisis»»»
Hemerijck, Anton
- Descriere: p. 213-238
- ISBN: -
Characteristics and implications of different types of currency areas»»»
Mancera, Miguel
Characteristics of th euro, the demand for reserves, and policy coordination under EMU1997»»»
Masson, Paul
Turtelboom, Bart G.
Characteristics of the banking sector in the European Union»»»
Roman, Angela
Bilan, Irina
- Descriere: p. 111-145
- ISBN: -
Chestiunea Dunarii : (istorie a Europei rasaritene in legatura cu aceasta chestie)1998»»»
Iorga, Nicolae
Spinei, Victor
China's monetary policy : its features and challenges2008»»»
Xiaochuan, Zhou
China's shadow banking sector : pillar of threat to the system?2012»»»
Taube, Markus
China, East Asia and global rebalancing2012»»»
Chinn, Menzie D.
Choice of exchange rate regime: implications for South-East Europe»»»
Horvath, Julius
- Descriere: p. 145-154
- ISBN: -
Curs de schimb
Chronicles : on our troubled times2016»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Ackerman, Seth
Cicluri economico-financiare in evolutia sistemului monetar international2019»»»
Ionescu, Lucian Constantin
Ciclurile economice si riscul sistemic2021»»»
Sprincean, Nicu
Andries, Alin-Marius
Cine suntem noi : cronici de la Est la Vest2009»»»
Dungaciu, Dan
Circulatia fortei de munca in spatiul economic european2009»»»
Dobrescu, Andrei
Grigorescu, Ioana
Berinde, Mihai
Circulatia mesterilor si bijutierilor in secolele XVI-XVII. Contacte intre spatiul romanesc si cel central si vest-european»»»
Nitu, Florentina
- Descriere: p. 17-38
- ISBN: -
Citind printre randuri : Scanteia si relatia dintre Romania, Belgia si Comunitatea Economica Europeana : (1965-1989)»»»
Teodor, Mihaela
Citizenship : contrasting dynamics at the interface of integration and constitutionalism»»»
Shaw, Jo
Civil justice : a newcomer and an unstoppable wave?»»»
Storskrubb, Eva
Civilizatie, cultura, management2018»»»
Istocescu, Amedeo
Civilizatie, cultura, management Volumul 1 - Volumul 2»»»
Istocescu, Amedeo
Civilizatie, cultura, management Volumul 1 Teoria managementului comparat international2018»»»
Istocescu, Amedeo
Civilizatie, cultura, management Volumul 2 Practica managementului comparat international2018»»»
Istocescu, Amedeo
Clasa muncitoare din Europa occidentala in lupta impotriva "integrarii"»»»
Anghel, I. M.
- Descriere: An 13, nr. 5, Mai 1960, p. 85-99
- ISBN: -
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