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The economic history of Eastern Europe : 1919-1975 Vol. 2»»»
Kaser, M. C.
Radice, E. A.
The economic history of Eastern Europe : 1919-1975 Vol. 3 Institutional change within a planned economy2003»»»
Kaser, M. C.
The economic history of Eastern Europe : 1919-1975 Vol. 4»»»
Kaser, M. C.
Radice, E. A.
The economic history of Eastern Europe : 1919-1975 Vol. 5»»»
Kaser, M. C.
Radice, E. A.
The economic history of Eastern Europe : 1919-1975. Vol. 1 Economic structure and performance between the two wars2006»»»
Kaser, M. C.
Radice, E. A.
The economic history of agriculture»»»
Federico, Giovanni
The economic history of banking»»»
Grossman, Richard S.
The economic history of education»»»
Mitch, David
The economic history of entertainment and sports»»»
Haupert, Michael
The economic history of financial panics»»»
Jalil, Andrew
The economic history of immigration»»»
Cohn, Raymond L.
The economic history of slavery»»»
Bourne, Jenny
The economic history of transportation»»»
Bogart, Dan
The economic history of urbanization»»»
Smith, Fred
The economic history of war and defense»»»
Eloranta, Jari
The economic weapon : the rise of sanctions as a tool of modern war2022»»»
Mulder, Nicholas
The economics and politics of European integration : populism, nationalism and the history of the EU2021»»»
Berend, Ivan T.
The economics of transition from socialist economy to market economy1999»»»
Lavigne, Marie
The economy of cities1970»»»
Jacobs, Jane
The effects of the industrial revolution on women and children»»»
Hessen, Robert
The end of small change economy in Northern Gaul in the fourth and fifth centuries AD»»»
Heesch, Johan van
The end of the partition period and the World War I : 1900-1914»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
The enlightened economy : Britain and the Industrial Revolution : 1700-18502011»»»
Mokyr, Joel
The evolution of central banking : theory and history2017»»»
Ugolini, Stefano
The evolution of labor markets»»»
Huberman, Michael
The evolution of money2016»»»
Orrell, David
Chlupaty, Roman
The evolutionary roots of economic history»»»
Coelho, Philip R. P.
The excel depression : April 18, 2013»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The extent of high unemployment in OECD countries»»»
Martin, John Paul
Snower, Dennis J.
The financial crisis of 2007-2009»»»
Gorton, Gary
Metrick, Andrew
The first steps of the money doctor : Kemmerer's gold exchange standard in the Philippines»»»
Gomez Betancourt, Rebeca
The founding of the Federal Reserve System»»»
Toma, Mark
The future of central banking : the Tercentenary Symposium of the Bank of England2008»»»
Capie, Forrest H.
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Fischer, Stanley
Schnadt, Norbert
George, Eddie
The global economy : a concise history2020»»»
Amatori, Franco
Colli, Andrea
The global economy as you've never seen it : [99 ingenious infographics that put it all together]2018»»»
Ramge, Thomas
Schwochow, Jan
Garcia-Landa, Adrian
Green, Jonathan
The gold standard and the Euro : conjoined twins or distant relations?»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
The great degeneration : how institutions decay and economies die2014»»»
Ferguson, Niall
The great merger wave»»»
O'Brien, Anthony Patrick
The great transformation : the political and economic origins of our time2001»»»
Polanyi, Karl
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Block, Fred
The gullibility of the deficit scolds»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The half has never been told : slavery and the making of American capitalism2016»»»
Baptist, Edward E.
The hegemony of growth : the OECD and the making of the economic growth paradigm2017»»»
Schmelzer, Matthias
The high-tech revolution and the disruption of American capitalism»»»
O'Mara, Margaret
The history of marketing in Russia»»»
Fox, Karen F.A.
The ignoramus strategy : New York Times Blog : April 27, 2013»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The imperial afterlife of Roman republican coins and the phenomenon of the restored denarii»»»
Woytek, Bernhard E.
The individual, society and the economy in 17th-century thouht»»»
Perrotta, Cosimo
The institutional aspects of peasant communities : an analytical view»»»
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas
The language of economics»»»
Galbraith, John Kenneth
The lion's share : inequality and the rise of the fiscal state in preindustrial Europe2019»»»
Alfani, Guido
Di Tullio, Matteo
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